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"Gerard, everyone's left." I mumbled to my drunken brother, who was sprawled out on Rays sofa, giggling like a child. He sure could be annoying when he was drunk.

"But Ray's still here!" He complained, pointing at Ray, a beer bottle clutched in his sweaty palms.

"That's because it's his house." I sighed, rolling my eyes at Ray. He smiled and shook his head, looking back at Gerard.

"C'mon." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet, making sure to be strong enough, but not too rough. I hate when he's drunk, but right now I don't mind, since it was much better than talking to grumpy, annoying-older-brother Gerard.

Struggling to keep Gerard standing, I wandered to the car and strapped him into the passenger seat. I then jumped into the drivers seat and started the engine.

Lucky for me, I had taken - and passed - my driving lessons, I just didn't have a car yet. So I borrowed Gerard's a lot of the time.

"Bye Ray!" I called out of the open window, before driving down the road, trying to ignore Gerard's irritating giggles.

By the time we got home, it was way past midnight. The streets were almost dead, no living soul daring to wander the streets at this hour.

Sighing, I helped Gerard out of the car and lead him to our apartment. That was about as helpful as I was going to be. I just lead him to his bedroom and closed the door, hoping he'd go to sleep.

I sat on one of the sofas, my head leaning against my hands, staring at the blank TV screen. My mind wondered about Frank. He'd been awfully quiet after I went out to get us drinks. Although, I did see Gerard walk over and talk to him briefly.

As he wasn't in the right frame of mind right now, I figured I'd ask him in the morning. My eyes began to droop, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

* * * *

"Mikey? What the hell are you doing on the couch?" I was awoken my Gerard's voice almost shouting down my ear.

"Get lost." I rolled away from him, ignoring the fact that my glasses had just fallen of my face and hit the floor.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I could tell by his voice that he was smirking. I turned to look at him, giving him the 'I'm-going-to-punch-you-if-you-don't-shut-up' look, which he knew all-too well.

"Well, you've sobered up quite a lot after last night." I smirked back at him. Then I remembered something, I was going to ask him about Frank!

"Oh, and do you have any idea why Frank was so quiet last night?" I questioned, watching his face closely.

"Nope." He answered, almost too quickly. Something flashed in his eyes. I could just tell he was lying.

"Lies." I almost hissed at him. "I saw you talking to him, what did you say?"

"I said nothing, just generally being nice." He waved a hand, trying to dismiss it, but I wasn't going to give up.

"He was fine before I went, and after you spoke to him he was quiet, what. Did. You. Say." I said sternly. If he had upset Frank in any way, I swear...

"I can't help he's sensitive." He smirked ever-so-slightly. Busted.

"So you did say something!" I shouted, sitting up quickly. I looked him in the eyes, threateningly.

"No I didn't." He muttered bluntly. I'm getting real tired of your bullshit Gerard.

"What did you say!" I shouted, jumping up. Even though I was several years younger than him, I was still eye-level with him, which was an advantage.

"Fucking hell Mikey! I was just playing around!" He shouted back, still refusing to tell me.

"I'm sorry I don't want to see my boyfrie-" I cut myself off quickly, realising that Gerard didn't know that me and Frank were dating.

"I know about you two." He mumbled, making my words catch in my throat. Oh dear, he knew?

"I-I..." I coughed slightly. "Tell me what you said to Frank. Now." I said sternly, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

"No." He folded his arms arrogantly.

"Fine! You're such a horrible person Gerard!" I shouted, storming towards the door. Before I could help myself, the words came tumbling out of my mouth. "I hate you!"

I glanced back quickly, regretting the words as soon as they tumbled out of my mouth. I caught a quick glance of Gerard's pale, distraught face before I turn away again and grabbed my coat, ready to head to Franks house. I looked a mess, but I didn't care.

I opened the door and ran out, desperate to get away from the heavy atmosphere inside the apartment block. And to get away from my broken-hearted brother.

What had I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2012 ⏰

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