Well This Is Awkward.

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"Wow, Gee! This is amazing!" Frank cried. Even though he was all the way across the apartment, and had the door closed, Mikey could still hear their conversation. Sighing, he placed his bass down on the bed beside him and rested his head on his hands.

"Thanks. Oh, here's the album cover idea I did for your band." Gerard answered. There was the sound of paper being shuffled, and then a gasp.

"Wow! It's amazing! How did you get so good at art? Can I have your hands? Please?" Even though he knew it was a joke, Mikey couldn't help but be a little bit disturbed.

"No, you can't, now get your ass out of that door, we're gonna' watch a movie." Gerard laughed. There was more shuffling of paper, and then Gerard's door opened. Silently praying that they wouldn't ask him to join them, Mikey glared at his doorway.

"Hey Mikes, wanna' join us? We're watching a movie!" Gerard asked as he peered his head around the door. Just what Mikey didn't want.

"Er.." Mikey pretended to look busy, but did a poor job of it. He ended up just fiddling with the corner of his duvet.

"We'll let you choose!" Frank bribed, his head appearing behind Gerards. Mikeys eyes flicked backwards and forwards between the pair, and then he, slowly, got up.

"Dawn Of The Dead?" He asked.

"Sure!" Gerard grinned,before he darted over to the sofa and leapt on it. A sigh escaped Mikey, only loud enough for Frank to hear, who giggled and followed Gerard. Silently, Mikey walked over to the couch and sat on the edge, before being shoved over by Frank. It's my apartment! He thought, but he didn't say it out loud, knowing Gerard would only make some stupid comment in Frank's defence.

Whilst the movie was being loaded up, Mikey noticed that Frank and Gerard seemed to be purposefully trying to get as close to him as possible, forcing him into a tight ball. But Mikey was used to being cramped, as whenever he and Gerard watched a movie together, Gerard always sprawled out on the sofa, leaving Mikey with little room.

About half way through the movie, Mikey felt Frank's head fall against his shoulder. If he listened carefully, he could hear Frank snoring softly. Being the big softie he was, Mikey stayed as still as possible, trying his best not to wake Frank.

"Hey, er, Gerard." Mikey said quietly, moving his head slowly towards his brother.

"What?" Gerard asked as he turned to look at Mikey. He then noticed Frank asleep on Mikey and laughed loudly.

"Huh?" Frank sat bolt-upright, his eyes wide. "What happened?" He looked around, and then his eyes rested on the two brothers, who were smirking at him. "I fell asleep didn't I? You better not have taken any pictures!"

"Damn, I should have thought of that!" Gerard laughed, hitting the palm of his hand against his forehead. The movie becoming ignored, the three boys argued about whether they should or shouldn't have taken photos of Frank sleeping.

"Woah, is it twelve already?" Frank yelped, looked at the small digital clock on the corner of the DVD player. "I'd better get going!"

"Hey, if you want you can stay over the night, you can borrow some of Mikey's clothes?" Gerard offered without Mikey's permission, a smug grin spreading across his face when he noticed his brother glaring at him.

"Really? Thanks!" Frank grinned and looked over at Mikey. "It'll be like a sleepover!"

Sleepovers? Oh dear. Mikey had only ever been to one, and it had turned out a disaster. His friends ended up drunk, most of them tried to kiss his face off, as he was the only one sober at the time.

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