It's A Secret.

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"I love you too." Frank whispered, his forehead pressed against Mikey's, an unbreakable smile spread across his face. He wasn't sure why, but somehow this surprised Mikey.

"You do?"

"Of course I do! Why do you think I'm stood here with you like this now?" Frank laughed softly and reached a hand up to Mikeys face, before gently tracing up and down his jawline.

"So are we, like.." Mikey wasn't sure how to put it. Together, maybe? Frank knew what Mikey was asking though.

"Well, only if you want to." A hopeful smile appeared on Frank's lips as he stared into Mikey's eyes. How could I not want to? Mikey thought as his face became warm. Was this really happening?

"I want to, but do you?"

"Sure I do." Frank smiled brightly, his eyes lighting up with happiness. Mikey couldn't contain his joy as he stared at his new boyfriend. Who would have thought it? Mikey Way with a boyfriend? Only then did it strike him. What was he going to tell Gerard and the others? Was he even going to tell them? As if reading Mikey's mind, Frank grinned smugly and said;

"Don't worry, it's a secret."

Mikey let out a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to tell Gerard that he and Frank were together, let alone the rest of the band. It would only make everything so awkward. And if he told Gerard, he might run off and go tell their parents, and what kind of a mess would that get him into?

 Mikey's phone started vibrating in his pocket, disrupting his train of thoughts. Hesitantly, Mikey flicked up the screen, revealing Gerard's caller-ID.

"Gerard?" Mikey asked once he had put the phone to his ear.

"Mikey. Where are you? I've been calling you and Frank for ages! Have you seen him anywhere?" Gerard asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Don't worry, he's here with me."

"Where are you?" His voice sounded slightly suspicious.

"In the park." Mikey replied. At the other end of the line, Gerard sighed in relief, scared that Frank might have taken Mikey off to some dodgy pub, or worse, his house.

"Okay, just make sure you're home soon." Without giving Mikey a chance to reply, he hung up.

"Gerard?" Frank asked, grinning.

"Yeah, apparently he's been trying to phone us for a while" Mikey couldn't help but laugh. "He wants me home soon."

"You don't have to pay attention to him, you know. He's not your mom." Frank giggled. "Oh, I've got an idea. I'll meet you at your apartment at seven, wear something smart!" He ran off suddenly, leaving Mikey alone in the deserted park. He didn't mind too much though, as Frank had promised to meet him later. Wondering what Frank was planning, he set off towards his apartment, his face fixed in a mask of happiness.

                                                                             * * *

"Hey, Gee!" Mikey called as he skipped into the apartment half an hour later, unable to hide his joy.

"Mikey! You're very happy today." Gerard cocked his head to the side, inquisitively, but Mikey just ran into his room to get changed. After a few minutes of searching, Mikey knew it was hopless trying to find anything smart in his wardrobe, so he risked asking Gerard.

"Something smart? Why? A date?" Gerard smirked, before jumping up and hurrying into his room.

"No, it's not a date or anything!" Mikey called desperately, but Gerard only laughed. After a few minutes, he came out with a smart-casual checkered, button-up t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

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