You Were Just Drunk.

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"Now that, had to be the best gig I've ever done!" Gerard rabbled on as they reached the apartment door. The rest of the band had been invited over for a celebration on their latest gig, which had been a huge success. Although, Mikey had been silent all night, Ray's words replaying in his mind over and over again.

"I know! The crowd were so lively!" Frank chirped, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet as they entered the Way's apartment.

"Did you see that guy near the front? He was going crazy!" Matt laughed, throwing himself down on the sofa as if it were his own home - not that either of the brothers cared.

"I was scared he was gonna' jump on me!" Gerard chuckled, sitting down beside Matt. "Hey, Mikes, get some drinks will you?"

"Sure." Mikey mumbled, wandering over to the fridge to get out some beers. He handed a beer out to everyone, and then sat down on the floor - as there was no more room on the sofas.

"You did well too, Mikes, apart from when you messed up in Headfirst For Halos." Ray said, giving Mikey a sly smile.

"I thought Halos was your best song?" Gerard asked, confused.

"Oh, I just-" Mikey started, but he was cut off by Ray.

"Frank was distracting him." Another grin was cast in Mikey's direction.

"I was not!" Frank piped up, "I was just talking to him."

"And making him blush?" Ray asked.

Frank fell silent after that, his eyes focused on his feet, only looking up when someone offered him another beer. Gerard looked curious, but he didn't ask what Frank did on stage. But after a while, Frank began to speak again, although he was quite tipsy from the alcohol.

"You know..I was thinking of getting another tattoo soon. I don't know what of though." He stroked his index finger across his chin, his eyes fixed on his beer bottle.

"Another one? Haven't you got enough already?" Matt smirked, bringing his bottle up to his lips and drinking from it. Mikey had only had a little bit of his alcohol, but everyone else in the room was starting to feel the effects of it.

"Shut up, I like tattoos." Frank punched Matt lightly on the arm, a drunken laugh escaping his lips. Maybe he'd had a bit too many drinks.

"Guys, I need a pee. I'll be back." Mikey chuckled, before jumping up and hurrying into the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror for a few minutes afterwards, his own slightly-bloodshot eyes staring back at him, before he opened the door again. On the other side, he found Frank waiting for him.

"Oh. Hi Fra-." He was cut off by Frank's lips pressing against his own. They tasted strongly of alcohol, and it seemed Frank was having a hard time controlling himself. This time Mikey didn't feel awkward, as he knew it was just the alcohol affecting Frank's actions. It probably wasn't intentional.

"Er, Frank." Mikey mumbled as he pulled back, realizing that Frank had gotten him pressed up against the wall. "The other might se-" But he was cut off again by Frank's lips. He tried to pull back again, but Frank was too strong.

"Mikey's been gone for a while..I'll go check on him." A voice said from the other room, probably Ray. No no no no, Mikey thought, trying desperately to get away from Frank. But Frank had just pulled Mikey's shirt off and flung it to the side, his lips still glued to Mikeys.

Someone suddenly appeared at the bottom of the corridor. Desperately, Mikey reached out to his left to open the door into the bathroom so he could escape, but Frank quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Frank!" Ray cried, rushing to aid Mikey. He tugged Frank away, who was giggling childishly. Before Mikey could even catch his breath, Ray was dragging him and Frank down the corridor by their hair - as Mikey didn't have a shirt Ray could grab onto.

"What the-?" Gerard and Matt said in unison, their eyes flicking backwards and forwards between Mikey and Frank.

"I found Frank trying to rape Mikey." Ray explained, placing Frank down on the sofa next to Gerard - who shuffled away.

"He was drunk!" Mikey quickly said, rushing to protect Frank. "He couldn't help it!"

"I don't care if he was drunk! He still tried to take your clothes off!" Ray argued. "Oh, and what about at the gig? He wasn't drunk then, was he?"

"B-but.." Mikey couldn't think of anything to say in both his and Frank's defence, so instead, he ran into his bedroom, slamming the door loudly behind him. But then he opened the door again and shouted; "There is nothing going on between us! NOTHING!"

Before he could hear their reply, he slammed the door again, almost knocking it off it's hinges. On the other side, Frank was looking around at the others, his head still foggy from the drink.

"What's up with Mikes?" He asked innocently, his brows furrowing with frustration.

"You're what's up with him." Ray said harshly, before wandering over to Mikeys' room and knocking on the door lightly. "Hey Mikes?"

"Go away." Came a muffled reply from behind the door.

"Let me in Mikey." Ray tried to turn the door handle, but it seemed he had jammed a chair against it.

"No. Just go away." His voice was louder this time, and somewhat pained.

"Look, I'm sorry, please let me in." Ray frowned, annoyed at Mikeys ignorance. Eventually though, Mikey opened the door. His expression was angry, yet sorrowful. Just then, Frank came up beside Ray and stretched his hands out to the sides, as if asking for a hug. Without even realizing what he was doing, Mikey wrapped his arms around Frank. Everyone was silent for a few seconds after Mikey pulled back.

"You know..You two would actually make quite a cute couple.." Matt mumbled, but raised his hands in defence as everyone glared at him. "I mean, come on."

"Shut up." Gerard said, unable to hide his laughter. But he soon stopped when he noticed his brother staring daggers at him.

"As I said, there is nothing going on between us." As Mikey said it, his voice cracked slightly. He didn't know why, but somehow the sentence had affected him - even he wasn't sure if it was in a good or bad way. Next to Gerard, Frank was smirking like he knew something.

"Well..Who wants another drink?" Gerard asked humbly, unconciously helping his brother. Thank you, Gerard, Mikey thought, before taking a sip of his drink - which he had barely touched. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Frank watching him. Mikey's face began to flush with colour.

Why is this happening?

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