Is This Love?

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The cold winter wind snaked through Mikey's mousey-brown hair as he made my way to the local coffee shop, desperate for shelter from the on-coming storm. Even though it was only the beginning of September, the weather had noticeably changed over the last few weeks. Wrapping his thin jacket around himself tighter, he hurried down the street, his right arm raised to protect his face from the icy wind.

It had been several days since his incident with Frank. No one had brought it up since then - not even Gerard - but Mikey knew they thought about it more than they hoped he knew. Every time he meet up with them, there is always that one moment where he knew they're thinking about it.

Sometimes he wished he could just erase it from their memories, pretend that it never happened. But it did, and he's going to have to live with it.

There was a creaking sound as he pushed open the door to the coffee shop. The warm wave of air struck Mikey, bringing with it the welcome smell of coffee. Thank God. He approached the counter, casting his eyes around the relatively empty coffee shop.

"Hey!" A cheerful young blonde girl chirped behind the counter. "What can I get-" Her expression became shocked. "You're Mikey Way, right?"

"Yeah, why?" He asked casually, unaware for a moment that he belonged to one of the most popular bands in New Jersey. The bouncey blonde giggled and picked a piece of paper and a pen out of her pocket.

"I'm a huge fan of your band! Can I have your autograph, please?" She asked, holding out the pen and paper for him. Delighted, he took them and scribbled his signature across the page, adding a little smiling face at the bottom. Satisfied, the girl took back the pen and paper and asked Mikey what he would like.

"Um, cappucino please." He took out his wallet, ready to pay the girl, but she rejected it.

"No, I'll give you this one for free, in exchange for the autograph!" She giggled childishly and hurried off to make his coffee. Chuckling quietly to himself, Mikey took a seat near the window. As he waited for his coffee, he let his thoughts wander to something which had been bugging him for days.

When he had said that there was nothing going on between him and Frank, his heart seemed to..hurt? He couldn't explain it if he tried. Just then, the door creaked open, revealing the very last person he wanted to see at that moment.

"Oh, Mikey!" Frank cried cheerfully, skipping over to Mikey as the whole coffee shop stared at him. "I didn't expect to see you in here." He took the seat opposite Mikey, not even asking for permission to sit there.

"Frank, I didn't expect to see you here either." And I didn't perticularly want to. Mikey added in his head, but he wouldn't dare say it out loud. He just wanted a while alone, as the past few days he'd had to spend almost every waking hour with his band mates - even if you exclude Gerard.

"Oh! Last night, I came up with quite a good guitar riff. I just need to show the others, and you obviously. Might make for a new song!" He babbled on. The blonde girl came over to the table with two coffees, as she must have noticed Frank arrive.

"Thank you." The boys both said in unison. Before she left, the girl quickly asked for Frank's autograph too, which he gave enthusiastically. Once she left, Mikey and Frank sipped their coffee's in silence. After a few minutes, Frank had finished his - despite how hot the dark liquid was.

"So..." He mumbled, trying to break the silence. Mikey just stared at him, expecting him to go on. Noticing it was probably hopeless to try to start a conversation, Frank fell silent again, watching Mikey drink the remains of his coffee.

"Are you done?" The girl asked Mikey as she picked up Frank's coffee cup. Mikey nodded quickly and passed her the cup. "Okay then, it was nice meeting you! You should come back here some time." She winked, giggled, and then ran off into the kitchen, her blonde pigtails bouncing behind her.

"Seems a nice girl." Frank mumbled after she had disappeared into the kitchen. Mikey couldn't help but laugh. "What? it's only true!" He laughed too, though.

"Come on, lets get going." Mikey mumbled. He stood up and wrapped his thin jacket tightly around himself, bracing himself for the bitter cold outside the warm, cosy coffee shop. When he opened the door, Mikey was struck with a gust of wind which almost knocked him off his feet.

"Gah!" He cried, holding onto the doorway for support. Behind him, Frank was laughing at him, but he decided to ignore it. Once the wind had died down, Mikey stepped outside and turned left, no idea where he was heading.

"Hey, where are you going?" Frank asked, hurrying to catch up with Mikey, handicapped by his short legs.

"No idea." Mikey mumbled, making Frank laugh like a child.

"Come on, silly." Frank said, a grin spread across his face. He grabbed Mikey's wrist and pulled him down the street, towards a small park. The icy wind blew again, although it wasn't as strong as before, but it still made Mikey shiver. Noticing that Mikey was cold, Frank offered to lend him his coat, but Mikey declined the offer, insisting that it was more important for Frank to stay warm - as he did get ill more easily.

"Hey Frank.." Mikey said quietly when they reached the park. He knew it was stupid trying to tell Frank how he made him feel, but he was going to try. "I..I don't know why but-"

There was no need for explaining, as Frank seemed to have gotten the point. Before Mikey could even think about what he was going to say, Frank's lips were upon his own. This time, Mikey knew it was no accident. Frank was far from drunk, and they were both completely in control of themselves.

There was no one in the park to see them, so instead of pulling back like he normally would have done, Mikey wrapped his arms around Frank and pulled him closer. Time ceased to exist to Mikey and Frank. Both of them were completely oblivious to the world around them, their thoughts only on the other person. Mikey couldn't help but smile at how perfect that moment seemed.

After what seemed a painfully small amount of time, Frank pulled back, a huge smile plastered to his face.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

"Oh, I think I do." Mikey's smile spread as he leaned in to gently peck Frank on the nose. Up until that moment, he had no idea how he felt towards Frank, but now he knew.

"I love you."

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