Caught In The Act.

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Mikey felt oddly warm, even though the night was bitterly cold. After a few minutes of searching, Frank found the perfect spot to sit down and look out over the large pond which sat on the far easterly edge of the park. Even though it was so near the edge of the park, the area was only visible from inside the park, so they had some privacy.

"I'm so sorry about Mike, I can't even see what I saw in him, he's so..terrible." Frank's voice sounded extremely guilty, even though Mikey wasn't bothered about Mike.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." Mikey smiled comfortingly at Frank, before turning his eyes to the pond. It was several metres wide, with tall reeds surrounding one half of it - the half closest to the edge of the park. The water reflected the lights of the moon and the streetlamps, giving it a silvery-yellow look.

"Okay." Frank sighed, his voice sounding a little bit less guilty. He laid back, staring up through the gaps of the trees at the moon. After a few minutes, he found himself drifting off, and quickly sat up again. Mikey was picking at the grass around the pond, his head leaning against one hand. When he noticed Frank sit up, he turned to him, deep in thought.

"You know, it's really weird how we've basically just met, and we're already this close." Mikey said it in a way that made it sound like it was neither good nor bad. Whether that was good or not was beyond Frank.

"Hmm..I don't think it's that weird, I mean, ever since I met you I knew I liked you, but at first that wasn't in..this kind of way. I liked you as a person, but I guess that feeling just grew over time." Frank was half paying attention to what he was saying, and half thinking back to the moment he first saw Mikey.

"Don't take this badly or anything, but when I first met you, I thought you were pretty scary." This made Frank burst out laughing. Mikey had sounded dead serious, which made it even funnier. When Frank had finished laughing, he looked over at Mikey, who had a confused expression, and burst out laughing again.

"Dude, I'm the biggest pussy ever, how could you be scared of me?" Frank said with a grin after he'd finished his laughing fit.

"Must just be that I'm a bigger pussy than you." Mikey smirked and leant his head against Frank shoulder, his neck having to bend at an awkward angle because of Frank's height.

"Such lies." Frank muttered, shaking his head in mock disappointment. It was Mikey's turn to laugh.

"Not really." Mikey smirked and repositioned himself, before looking up at Frank. There was a rustle behind them, but they both ignored it, trapped within their own little world. Frank leant down and pecked Mikey on the lips, when they heard a voice behind them.

"Holy shit!"

Mikey was frozen, his eyes wide. Frank was the first one to move, pulling back from Mikey and shuffling away. Eventually, Mikey gained control of himself again, and spun round to the intruder.

"I did not just see that." Ray gasped, shaking his head furiously. There was a rush of emotions running through Mikey; regret, anger, sadness, happiness, embarrasment, all mashed into one muddle. Frank and Mikey sat for a while in silence, staring at Ray, who seemed to have gained control of himself.

"Er..What was that?" Ray asked uncertainly, unsure of whether he wanted the answer or not. Mikey looked at Frank hopelessly.

"Promise you won't tell anyone? Not even Gerard?" Frank mumbled, his face flushed with color. Ray looked as if he were going to say no, but then he sighed and said;

"Fine, I won't tell anyone." His voice still had a hint of shock in it, along with his expression. "But..are you two, like..together?" The tone of his voice was generally curious, and somewhat caring. "Sorry if I'm making things awkward, but I'm just curious."

"Er.." Frank looked at Mikey, who gave him a nod, telling him it was okay to tell. "Yeah..we are." A smile spread across Ray's face as he looked at Frank, and then to Mikey, then back to Frank.

"Y'know, you two actually make a cute couple." This comment made Mikey's face flush bright red.

"Thanks, but I wanna' know..Why are you here?" Frank narrowed his eyes slightly, asking the very question which had been nagging at Mikey's mind for the last few minutes.

"Oh! Gerard rang me asking me to search for you, he told me Mikey'd ran off with you. He's actually searching himself. You're lucky I found you, or he might have gone ape-shit on you." Ray chuckled uncertainly. "But anyway, come on, we'd better show Gerard that you're alright."

Mikey got up, and then helped Frank up, before turning to Ray. "Thanks so much for not going mad. And for promising not to tell Gerard and the others." Ray just brushed it away, saying it was no big deal. Mikey felt weight being lifted from his shoulders. Now that Ray had found out about them, he felt like he didn't have to be so secretive anymore. Good job it was Ray that had found them, and not Gerard.

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