"I'm Not A Girl!"

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"Gerard? Yeah, I found 'em..I'll meet you at your apartment, yeah?" There was a mumble from down the phone - which Mikey could not understand-, and Ray replied. "Okay then, see you there." He flicked the phone shut and looked at Mikey.

"He's really pissed," Ray murmured sympathetically, "you've got alot of explaining to do." His brows creased in a frown, whilst Mikey gulped. Yes, Gerard was just being a protective older brother, but when he was angry, everyone knew you would probably barely make it out alive. But this time, Mikey was going to stand up for himself. Yeah, he was Mikey's older brother, but that gave him no right to control his life!

"I'll be fine." Mikey waved it off, determind to show Gerard that he didn't own him. Taking a deep breath, Mikey headed off in the general direction of his and Gerard's apartment, preparing himself for what his brother may have in store for him.

Without Mikey noticing, Frank and Ray had followed behind him, ready to come to either Mikey or Gerard's aid if needed. The apartment block loomed closer, looking ghostly and desolate in the moons ray. The only light from the building was on the third floor, the floor on which the Way brothers lived. Even before Mikey had gotten to the apartment door, Gerard was upon him.

"Do you realize how worried you had me? I thought you had been taken away by some random stranger! Why did you run off?" Gerard demanded, his hands like a vice around Mikey's wrists. Frank and Ray hung back, ready to jump in if the situation got too bad.

"Can't I even go out without your permisson?" Mikey sighed, avoiding eye-contact with his brother. For an instant, Gerard faltered, but he quickly regained himself.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to go beforehand?" Gerard's voice had dropped a pitch, and wasn't quite as demanding, but the look in his eyes was still as accursing as before.

"I didn't have a chance, 'cause Frank dragged me out of the door before I could." Mikey rolled his eyes, before glancing at Frank, who was chuckling darkly.

"Fine." Gerard said bluntly, before stalking off into his bedroom, locking the door behind him. They stood in silence for a while, until Ray spoke up.

"Well, I'd better be off, I left Christa in control of cooking dinner - and we all know how bad that could turn out!" Ray mumbled sarcastically, obviously envious of his girlfriends cooking skills. "See you guys later." Frank and Mikey waved goobye, and then the door closed behind him, leaving the pair alone with the moody older brother.

"Ah, well.." Mikey cast a nervous glance over to where his brothers room was, and then sighed. "Wanna' watch a movie?"

                                                                           * * *

The sun shone through the window into Mikey's eyes, rousing him from his sleep. As he sat up straight, he felt an aching pain in his neck, and found he'd fallen asleep on the couch - with Frank curled up next to him.

Rubbing his neck in an attempt to erase the aching, Mikey watched Frank as he slowly awoke. He looks so cute when he's sleepy. Mikey thought, smiling as he looked up at him sleepily.

"Mornin'." Frank mumbled as he sat up, before pecking Mikey on the lips. Just as Frank pulled back, there was a knock on the door, and Gerard came tumbling out of his room - already fully dressed. Without even acknowledging the others presence, he flung open the door, revealing Ray.

"Why are you here so early?" Mikey grumbled, retrieving his glasses from the coffee table infront of him.

"'Early'? It's one in the afternoon!" Ray laughed, before noticing Frank sitting next to Mikey, still not completely in the real world.

"One in the afternoon?" Mikey almost shrieked, casting his eyes around the room, desperate to find a clock. He found one, and sure enough, Ray was right. "Damn, I need a coffee." That made the others laugh, even the still half-asleep Frank.

Once he had made his coffee, he sat back down, but this time he was wedged inbetween Ray and Gerard, who forced Frank to move onto the one-seater sofa. The others talked whilst Mikey sat silently, sipping his coffee.

"So Mikey, how was your date with your girlfriend last night?" Gerard asked, bringing Mikey out of his daydream.

"Huh?-" Before Mikey even realized what Gerard was asking him, Frank had spoken up. The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

"I'm not a girl!"

There was a silence whilst everyone thought over what Frank's words meant. Mikey was the first so notice.

"Ah, shit!" He looked over at his brother desperately. Judging by the look on his face, Mikey guessed he had realized what Frank meant too. "He's kidding! It's a joke!" His voice sounded a bit too desperate, but he prayed Gerard wouldn't notice. On the other side of him, Mikey could hear Ray laughing, as he knew the truth of this situation. Mikey gave him a glare, which said 'if you dare say anything, I'll rip out your throat'. That shut him up.

"S-sure...Er..You're kidding?" Gerard seemed dumbstruck, unsure of how to react. At most, he had expected Mikey to deny going on a date, but he'd never expected this. Were they really kidding?

"Yeah, he is!" Mikey bit his lip, desperately hoping his brother would believe him. Gerard was slowly coming back to his senses, and would soon be questioning him. On the one-person sofa, Frank sat with his mouth hung part-open, shocked by what he had said. Mikey had to admit, he did look a bit stupid.

Having gained control of his body again, Gerard looked at Mikey, giving him a look that said 'you better explain later', and then looked at Frank. "We all know you're not a girl, Frank."

A nervous, yet relieved laugh escaped Mikey's lips, relieved that his brother hadn't started demanding questions yet, but nervous because he was going to when the others were gone. He would have rather had Gerard do it with them here.

"Just making sure." Frank nodded, smiling to cover his shock. His eyes met Mikey's, and the only thing he could read in his expression was; 'What have you done?'


I just needed to put this, in case you were wondering. I decided to put a few bits in the chapter where it wasn't actually in Mikey's point-of-view, for example, the last few lines is in Franks POV. I did this just to make it a bit more interesting, and so you could see what other people thought of the situation, even if it didn't give too much away.

Thanks for reading, if you like it, comment what you thought - I'd love to know!

So long and goodnight.xoAtmik

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