Awake And Unafraid.

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After several minutes of sitting in silence, Mikey finally noticed that his phone had been ringing ever since he'd gotten into the hospital. Hesitantly, he picked the phone up and saw that there was at least thirty missed calls, and 15 unread texts - all from either Ray or Matt.

"Hello?" He whispered down the phone. His voice was hoarse and croaky, but he didn't care anymore. There was a relieved sigh from down the phone.

"Mikey!" It was Ray, "How's Frank?" Mikey started boiling up with rage again, his eyes fixed on the door. Well he couldn't really see how Frank was because of that stupid nurse.

"Maybe I'd be able to see if that son of a bitch nurse actually let me in!" He stood up in frustration and kicked the door as hard as he could without breaking his ankles. The bang made everyone inside the room flinch. Ray yelped down the phone, but quickly masked it by coughing.

"Umm, yeah. Once you're let in, can you ring me to tell me how Frank is?" Ray's voice was uncertain, he'd seen Mikey angry once before, and it wasn't a very pleasant experience. 

"Yeah...I'll ring you back later, see you." Mikey mumbled, hanging up before Ray had a chance to reply. He noticed Gerard staring at him from across the hall, and realised that he hadn't actually spoken to him since they entered the hospital. Awkwardly, he sat down next to him.

After sitting in silence for at least ten minutes, Gerard spoke up, his voice quiet.

"What are you to Frank, Mikey?" Mikey furrowed his eyebrows, confused by the question, "Whenever he looks at you, he has a certain look on his face which only appears when he's looking at you. Why are you so special to him?"

"..I-I..I don't..know." Mikey was confused. Had Gerard really seen that? Questions buzzing around his mind, he looked up to meet Gerard's eyes. His eyes were curious, yet somehow..jelous? Or, maybe it was just Mikey's mind.

"Okay." Gerard questioned no further, like he normally would have done. Weird. But Mikey waved it away, deciding to blame it on the accident and the shock. As he turned to look back at the door, the sudden noise of a door slamming reached them, and then the door at the end of the corridor opened, revealing the very last person Mikey wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?" Mikey hissed at the man who had ran Frank down, injecting just the right amount of venom into his voice. The man gulped. Behind him, the door closed, and everything went deadly silent.

"I'm here to apologise." The man said, barely audible despite the silence. Before he even realised what he was doing, Mikey had gotten to his feet, and was storming his way over to the man. He looked terrified, his hand desperately searching for the doorhandle, and failing terribly.

Towering over the man, Mikey pulled his fist back, and slammed it into the mans face, causing him to cry out. Gerard, who previously had been oblivious to what was going on, looked up. He was shocked by what he found - his little brother towering over a grown man, beating him to a pulp.

"Mikey! Stop!" He cried out, desperately trying to tear his brother away from the man. No matter how much he tried, Mikey just pushed him away, desperate to give this man what he suspected he deserved.

"I'm going to kill you for hurting Frank!" Mikey shouted, but his brother grabbed his wrist with such force that he had to look round. Gerard was staring at him, his eyes blaring with anger, which wasn't directed towards the man.

"Leave him alone! It's not his fault!" Gerard hissed, his hand still gripping onto Mikey's wrist like a vice. Anger draining out of him, he let his arm go limp in Gerard's grasp, staring into his eyes. For the first time in his life, he felt as if he hated Gerard. He knew it was impossible, but somehow he really felt it. And the same happened to Gerard.

Letting go of Mikey's wrist, Gerard picked the man up off the floor, apologising for his little brothers actions, and took him off to get him fixed up. In just an instant, the brothers had become far apart, both physically and mentally. Disorientated, Mikey slid down the wall into a sitting position, his head cupped in his hands.

"Fucking idiot." Mikey muttered. He was getting revenge on the guy who had hurt Frank - the person Mikey cared for the most in the world - and his fucking brother had to go spoil it, didn't he?

"Excuse me?" There came a voice, which he recognized immediately. Shocked, he looked up, and became face-to-face with his injured boyfriend.

"FRANK!" He leaped up and hugged him tightly, before letting go, remembering that he was still injured. He was on crutches, a bandage wrapped around his ankle and up half of his left leg. There was a bandage wrapped around his forehead, and bandage around his right hand. There was also a couple of stitches across a cut on his cheek, but other than that, he looked fine.

"Dude, calm down!" He flashed his adorable grin, adjusting his posture as he did. Then his face fell slightly and he looked around. "Where's the others?"

"Ray and Matt - no idea. Gerard's going to get someone to fix up that guy that ran you over." His voice turned more hostile has he mentioned Gerard's name. He hoped Frank wouldn't notice, but of course he did.

"What's wrong with you and Gerard?" He waited a few minutes, before realising Mikey wasn't going to answer that, so he continued. "Why does that guy need fixing up?"

"Er, well I may have got a little bit angry at him." He didn't need to go on, because Frank understood. His jaw dropped, shocked.

"You didn't hurt him, did you?" The expression on Mikey's face must have given him away, "Mikey! Why did you do that? It was an accident, he didn't mean to hurt me!" Frank's eyes were full of despair, mixed in with a little bit of guilt and..shame? Could he be ashamed of what Mikey had done? How could he? Mikey had done it for him, to teach the guy never to hurt him again!

"Whatever." Mikey grumbled, his happiness gone in the blink of an eye. He though Frank would have been happy, but no. "Come on, let's go."

They walked out of the door and into the lobby area. Silently, Mikey waited at the door whilst Frank talked to the woman at the desk and was given several different pain killers.

"How many pain killers do I need? Jeez." Frank muttered once he was stood back next to Mikey. Just then, Mikey remembered that he had to phone Ray.

"Hang on, I gotta call Ray." Mikey said, quickly pulling out his phone from his pocket and dialling the number in the phone. It rang two times, and then he picked up.

"Mikey? Where's Frank?"

"He's here with me. Can you give us a lift? Gerard's not coming with us." Mikey said the last line bluntly, trying to show as little emotion as possible. Luckily, Ray didn't seem to notice Mikey's bluntness.

"Sure, I'll be there in five." The phone clicked off, and he put it back into his pocket. They stood in silence for a minute, then Mikey gasped.

"What about the gig we had tonight?" He frowned, and then answered his own question. "We'll have to re-schedule for a few weeks time, we can't play with you battered up like that." He gestured to Frank's many casts, smirking slightly.

Just as Mikey turned to look back at the car park, a car pulled infront of the hospital. It looked alot like Ray's, but when Mikey stepped out of the door towards it, Frank grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"No. That's not Ray." His eyes were wide, staring at the person in the car. Confused, Mikey turned around and looked at the driver, who was waiting expectantly for them, only to find that is wasn't infact Ray. But it was Mike, Frank's ex.

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to upload, and it was very mean of me to leave you on such a cliffhanger! I'm really sorry, and please don't kill those turtles AmeliaHaycock! I love you all <3
Please comment what you think, I read all my comments and try to reply, so it would be greatly appreciated <3

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