Cruel, Yet Satisfying.

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"Mikey.." Frank whispered, "Pretend you haven't seen him, quickly." Frank limped away as quickly as he could on his crutches, determind to escape Mike. But he didn't get away fast enough. Stepping out of the car, Mike called Frank's name, forcing Frank to stop and turn round, his teeth gritted in an unfriendly smile.

"Why are you running away from me?" Mike smirked, before continuing, "wow, you look pretty battered up..What did Mickey do to you?" He looked over at Mikey, who stood frozen, staring at Mike.

"His name is Mikey, and he didn't do anything, I had an accident. Now if you don't mind, i'm in a hurry." Frank muttered, trying to push Mike out of the way with one of his crutches.

"I'm sorry, I was just concerned about you, man." Mike stepped back, his palms raised in an attempt to defend himself. Frank just stared at him bluntly. "See you around, then." He sauntered back over to his car and hopped in. Within a second, he was gone.

"Creep." Frank muttered, causing Mikey to laugh. Before they could say anything more, Ray pulled up and they hopped in car. Frank had to sit in the front, as the back was quite squashed.

"Thanks mat-" Mikey started, but stopped once he noticed who was sat next to him in the back seat. Gerard. How did he get in there so quick? Why was he even there? Mikey still hadn't forgiven him.

"Don't worry about it." Ray waved his hand, oblivious to the awkwardness between the Way brothers. They sat in silence for a while, until Mikey remembered something.

"Oh no! Ray! I completely forgot it was your birthday!" Mikey shouted, making everyone in the car flinch. How could he forget one of his best friends birthdays? How bad a friend was he?

"Mikey, don't worry about it, it's fine," Ray insisted, turning to look at him, "Just knowing Frank's okay is a big enough birthday present for me." A kind smile spread across his face. "And anyway, I'm having a party later with you lot and some other mates, which should be fun."

How was it possible that such a kind person could exist? Ray always thought of others before himself, and never took anything for granted. Sometimes Mikey really didn't appreciate just how good a friend he had there.

"I've still got to get you a present though!" Mikey smiled, as Ray turned back to face the front, shaking his head.

"Whatever, but really, you don't need to." The car pulled up outside the Way's apartment block, and Mikey hopped out, followed by Gerard.

"Be at my house at eight, or maybe a little bit before if possible." Ray called after them. Mikey nodded and waved to the others, before walking into the building.

Gerard's P.O.V.

The silence between me and Mikey was unbearable, so to stop myself from talking to him - which I really didn't want - I switched on the radio. As usual, there was no good music playing, so I switched it off again and put a CD in. Better.

Silently, Mikey sauntered off into his room with a cup of coffee, leaving me in peace. The clock showed that it was quarter-past seven, which meant there was three quarters of an hour until Ray's party.

To pass the time, I walked into my own room and sorted my hair out, and changed into a decent pair of clothes, before getting myself a bite to eat. After a while, Mikey came out of his room in a different set of clothes, and looking slightly tidier.

"There's some pasta left in the microwave for you." I mumbled, finishing my own bowl. Instead of replying, Mikey just nodded and put his coffee mug in the sink, before grabbing the rest of the pasta. Already, it was quarter-to.

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