Now I'm Fucked.

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Mikey?" A small voice whispered, waking Mikey from his sleep. When his heavy eyelids opened, he found Frank staring down at him, a kind yet cautious expression on his face. What did he have to be cautious about?

"Frank." Mikey mumbled, though it was barely audible, so he cleared his throat and said it again. After a few seconds, he managed to get himself into a sitting position. He looked at Frank, who had shuffled back, and then suddenly realized - why was Frank on his bed? An instant later, Mikey recalled last night, Frank falling asleep on his bed, the sleepover idea, the kiss...

They sat in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Frank spoke up.

"You're mad, aren't you?" His voice was small, barely audible. Mikey was shocked by this, he'd never really thought about whether he was mad or not, but when he did, he knew he wasn't.

"No, why do you think that?" Mikey asked as he straightened his glasses.

"You're not? Well I thought coming into your home and kissing you before I even knew you properly was enough to make anyone mad?" His voice was slightly more cheerful, but it was still very quiet.

Mikey shrugged, a smile plastered to his lips. "I don't get mad easily."

Something like a sigh of relief escaped from Frank, before Gerard materialized at the door. For an instant, Mikey was terrified he had overheard their conversation, but Gerard's expression looked peaceful - much different from the last time Mikey had spoken to him.

"Breakfast anyone?"

Several days passed in a blur; band practice, going to the comic book store with Gerard, having bandmates over. Gerard hadn't brought up the night Frank came over - much to Mikey's relief. It was the day of their gig, the biggest one they had played in for a while now. Mikey could feel himself getting more and more anxious with every hour that passed.

He sat on the sofa, his hands flying over the frets of his bass guitar as he played through their setlist, trying to calm himself down. It was a bit of an over-reaction, just pre-show nerves. Mikey always got like that, but as soon as he got onto the stage he was fine.

"I don't see why you always get so nervous, Mikes." Gerard sighed as he sat down beside him. "I should be more scared, as I'm actually the frontman!" He chuckled lightly and ruffled Mikey's hair, before getting up again to make himself a coffee.

His hands still preoccupied by his bass, Mikey looked over at the clock and watched the minutes tick by painfully slow. After about three minutes, Mikey found himself falling asleep, and was relieved when Gerard offered him a coffee.

"Only half an hour to go, I'm actually really excited for this!" Gerard babbled on, counting down the minutes just to pass the time. Mikey kept quiet and listened to his brothers rambling. He was used to it, as Gerard always did so.

Before he knew it, Gerard was dragging Mikey out of the door with all his equipment, They had left early, so they had time to set their instruments up.

"We've got to pick up Frank on the way, as he doesn't have a car yet." Gerard explained as Mikey fastened his seatbelt. Mikey gave a brief nod, and Gerard started up the engine. They drove down Frank's road, and then the car pulled up outside a small apartment block.

"Hop out and get him, will you?" Gerard asked, too lazy to do so himself. Without hesitation, Mikey jumped out and ran up to the door, but then realized he didn't know which number apartment Frank was. But he didn't need to worry, for as soon as Mikey had the door open, Frank was tumbling down the stairs, dragging his amp and guitar along with him. For someone so small, Frank was pretty strong.

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