Meeting Frank.

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"You would? We'd be so happy if you could!" Ray said down the phone, a grin slowly spreading across his face. He'd been on the phone to Frank Iero, the frontman for the local band Pencey Prep, for a few minutes now, trying to persuade him to join My Chemical Romance. "Really? Thank you so much! I'll tell the boys as soon as possible! Okay, we have a band practice tommorow, one till four, can you make it?"

There was a quite long reply from Frank, which Mikey could not hear, and Ray jumped up from his seat, overjoyed. "Yes! Okay, don't forget to bring your guitar! Thanks again, bye!" Ray snapped the phone shut, a triumphant expression on his face. "He's joining!"

Gerard jumped up and high-fived Ray, cheering. Mikey could only manage to smile. The others seemed so happy about having a new band member, but Mikey didn't even know this Frank Iero guy existed till a few hours earlier. But the thing that really nagged at Mikey's mind was whether or not this guy would like him. Not many people liked Mikey, he hadn't been very popular at school, and he was scared Frank wouldn't join because of him.

"Mikey?" Gerard asked, bringing him back to reality. His older brother was looking down at him, his head tipped to the side. "Aren't you happy?"

"Oh yeah, sure I am, I'm just tired." Mikey lied quickly. Gerard narrowed his eyes and then shrugged.

"Okay then."

A few hours later, Mikey was sat on the sofa in their quite large apartment, his knees tucked under his chin. He couldn't stop wondering what Frank would be like, was he kind? Big-headed? Cocky?

"You seem really distracted." Gerard pointed out as he sat down on the sofa next to Mikey, a coffee clasped between his hands. "Whats up?"

"Nothing.." Mikey mumbled. But this wouldn't satisfy Gerard, he'd just keep pestering him until he said. "I'm just trying to work out what this Frank guy is like. Am I the only one in the band who doesn't know who he is?"

"Don't worry, Frank's a really nice guy, I'm sure you'll get along just fine with him." Gerard reassured him, taking a sip from his coffee. That's what you think, Mikey thought, but instead of saying this outloud, he nodded.

"Okay, I'm gonna' go to bed now, it's getting late." Mikey said as he dragged himself into his bedroom, closing the door behind him before Gerard could reply. He climbed into his bed, his day clothes still on, and fell asleep almost instantly.

"Time for my revenge!" Was the first thing Mikey heard when he woke. Before he even had time to register who it was who was talking, pillows were being hurled at him, forcing Mikey to duck his head under the covers.

"Up you get, Mikes!" Gerard cackled, "We've got band practice today!"

"Gerard! Stop!" He growled, risking taking the covers off his head to glare at his brother. Wrong move. Another pillow was thrown his way, hitting him right in the face. "Ouch!"

"You motherfucker! I'm gonna get you!" Mikey cursed, his hand searching for his glasses, which must have been knocked off the tiny desk by one of Gerard's pillows, while his eyes were fixed on his brother, making sure he didn't throw another pillow. Eventually, he managed to find them, buried under the comic which had also been on his desk, and put them on. "You're gonna' pay for that!"

"Eeek!" Gerard squealed as Mikey jumped out of his bed and chased him out of the room. Mikey was alot faster than Gerard, so he quickly caught up with him. Grabbing the back of Gerard's shirt, he jumped onto his back, laughing. The brothers didn't normally wrestle with each other, but when they did, no one was ever hurt.

"Gonna' say sorry?" Mikey asked as he clung to his brother's back, who was trying to get him off.

"Okay, sorry!" Gerard cried. Grinning, Mikey hopped off his back and walked back into his bedroom. "Don't go back to bed! We've got band practice, remember?" Band practice. With the new guy. Mikey stopped walking and turned to his brother, trying to hide his worry.

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