Chapter 2

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I walked up the front steps of school. All eyes were on me. I wore a black lace dress and white high heels. I somehow mastered how to walk in them in about an hour. Boys whistled at me as I walked up the marble steps that led to my high class school. I didn't fit in here at all. I was mouthy and used swear words. When I said I didn't use them often well.. I lied. I saw Luke with Bradley and Sam.

I looked at Sam and smiled. He had black pushed up hair an green eyes that shone bright. He had high cheeks bones and that voice! how sexy can it get. Luke saw my staring at his overly attractive friend and raised his brows in a dance. I turned bright red and fiddled with my bracelet.

"Hey Kenna! come here!" called Luke his eyes smiling with delight.

"Hey Luke," I said casually walking up to him.

"This is Bradley and well you know Sam," he said smiling widely.

"I think," I replied cooly. "You're one of the mammoths that plays football right?"

Sam smiled and I was positive I blushed rapidly. "Thee mammoth to be exact."

When I looked at Luke he seemed a little fazed. Take that! I smiled and chatted with them awhile then Ally showed up. Great.

"Hey Guys make way for queen bee!" she called smiling and pushing us away. She spotted me gave a once over then narrowed her eyes. "Aren't you that loser in home economics? what happened?"

"I got close to you and caught the the bitch bug. One of the side affects is you shop. Lucky for me I pick out cute clothes." When I said this ally's eyes grew wide and I figured they would pop out of her head.

"Whatever!" she scoffed walking away.

She's such a bitch.

"New deal," I said turning to Luke. "I'll help you with math you help me take down Ally!"

He smiled widely and his eyes gleamed with excitement, "sounds like a plan Kenna!"


Me and Luke walked up to the ticket booth. Luke asked me to go see some new movie called American hustle. It sounded good but I was still surprised by his wanting to do something with me.

"Why did you invite me to a movie?" I asked after we ordered some popcorn and a soda.

"We will be spending a lot of time together. I just want us to be friends," he replied nonchalant.

"Okay?" I mumbled grabbing the popcorn and stuffing some on my mouth. "Mmm delicious!"

He smiled at me and took a handful. He stuffed the whole fist of it in his mouth and chewed rapidly. I looked at him with disgust. "Ew!" I squealed. Stepping backwards. Luke mumbled something which I figured was look out as I tumbled into a trash can. I screamed and began trying to get up. Luke doubled over on laugher at the sight of me. The trash can tipped over and I fell out.

"My dress!" I cried. My eyes grew wide as I realized what I said. "Did I just say that?"

Luke plopped down beside me and smiled. "Well I think you finally became a girl. Bravo!"

I smacked his muscular chest and stood up. "Let's go before we miss the movie!"

We sat in the very back. The only seats that were free were the couple made ones. Luke became board with the movie and began fiddling with his hoodie strings. When the movie finally ended he jumped up and walked out of the theater. I followed close behind, but when I emerged into he clearing I found, with grate dread, he was nowhere to be seen. "Luke?" I hollered looking around. I heard someone yell "die!" from the game room so I walked in.

It was a good size room with games lining the walls. Old fashioned ones in the corner, newer ones near the front, and ski ball in the middle. "I'm a master at ski ball," Luke stated scaring me half to death.

"No way I'm the best!" I said challenging him.

"Want to bet?" He asked a smile playing on his lips.

I smiled as I walked over to the two ski ball machines. I plucked a quarter out if my pocket and stuck it in the machine. It grumbled to life and lit up. Luke walked over and did the same. "It's on!" he smiled. We began tossing the balls and watching to see what cylinder it landed in. I kept getting it in the 100's, making Luke mad. I won by three hundred points and Luke huffed in anger.

"No fair!" he whined.

"Yes fair!" I yelled singing we are he champions but replacing we with I.

Luke smiled and pushed me a little. I giggled and fell over onto the itchy salmon carpet. "This is the second time you have been in the floor today!" He laughed. "I'm a klutz!" I said giggling wildly.

"I see why Sam likes you," he smiled.

"Sam likes me!" I yelled.

"Yeah he told me after you walked away to your first class. He wants to ask you out," he shrugged.

"Oh my lord in the sky I'm so happy!"

"Lets not get crazy. How can you even like him!"

"He's hot," I giggled getting up.

"Not as hot as me," he said flashing his teeth and winking.

I laughed making Luke seem shocked. We walked out of the theater and

went to his car. I climbed in and turned on the radio. "Please can I listen to one song all the way through!" He pleased . "I make no promises," I said turning up a Rihanna song.


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Love you.

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