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Kennedy's P.O.V

The music thumps, the bass pumping in my veins. I take in a breath. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go home. Where I could watch YouTube and eat Cheetos. Like normal people!

I'm getting ahead of myself here. I haven't explained how I got into this situation.

It's was 6:30 in the morning when Amy decided we should head to a party tonight. I had jokingly replied with, "Yeah sure, lets do it!" To which she took literal.

Now here I am, standing on the doorstep looking into the sea of bodies.

"Kenna, you ok?" Asks Luke, walking deeper into the abyss.

"Not really, I'm scared," I reply honestly. I stare deeper, into the hoard of dancing mess, gulping.

Amy grabs my arm, shoving me into the house. She chuckles as a squeal escapes my lips, flinging back. I had been to parties before, but I still hated them. Amy pats me on the back, leading me over to the kitchen. She grabs herself a red plastic cup of mystery, handing me a water.

"No drinking alcohol," Luke warns me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Amy laughs, tipping back her cup, then pointing it at me.

"You don't listen to him,okay?" She smirks. "Because you darling need some fun."

With that she sashays away, leaving me standing there, contemplating her words. Luke sends me a look, opening the top of the bottle with one hand, the other still placed over my stomach. I bring the water to my lips, taking a small sip.

"This is the only drink you have,okay?" He demands, leading me away. "I promise I won't drink either."

"Okay," I agree, following him to my doom.

"Chug chug chug!" The crowed ushers as Luke tips back the drink, downing it skillfully.

I cross my arms. What happened to 'I won't drink'? Once he finishes he wipes his mouth, looking around to find me, when he does he smiles. It drops as he notices my look of anger, a confused expression going across his face.

Why does his face have to be so cute! No fair!

He walks over to me, trying to pull me into a hug. His movement are sloppy, he's obviously drunk. I shake my head, walking away from him. I don't realize I'm probably leading myself to doom. Or that I have nobody to go too. Amy was MIA and Luke was the person I left behind. I keep walking, until I bump into someone I do know. I literally bump into him.

His drink spills over the ground and his shoes. He whips around, angrily. When he notices me he freezes. I suck in a sharp breath.

"Sam," I whisper.

"Kenna!" He cheers, his eyes growing wide.

"I have to um, go get Luke!" I blurt, turning to leave. He grabs my forearm, spinning me around.

Why couldn't I have been a bodybuilder?

"Don't make things awkward," he pleads.

I look at him, before quickly dropping my gaze. He made it so hard.

"Sam, leave me alone," I whisper.

In all honesty I couldn't deal being near him. I didn't know how I should be. I didn't like him anymore, but I didn't hate him. I couldn't imagine having a friendship this soon, but I didn't want to ignore him forever.

"No, Kenna-" he starts, but a hand snakes across my waist, shutting him up.

I look up, locking eyes with an angry looking Luke. The alcohol had been making him even more jealous then usual. He sends a glare to Sam, holding me tighter.

"She said leave her alone," he growls.

"She needs go listen to me, you need to leave," Sam snaps, stepping closer.

"She doesn't have to do anything with you or for you," he speaks, venom dropping from each word. Luke's hand falls away balled into a fist.

"You're just a fucking-" Sam starts, but Luke sends a punch at his face, hitting his nose.

Sam stumbles backwards, clutching his bleeding nose. He quickly recovers somewhat, sending a punch into his stomach. Luke groans, but sends a blind punch at Sam, hitting him in the jaw. People begin to circle around, cheering at the fight. I watch horror stricken, taking a moment to redeem my composure, before snapping back into reality.

"Stop!" I plead, running at them. They don't listen, continuing their drunken battle. "Stop!" I demand, my voice full of anger. They still ignore me until I finally shout, "Fine! I'm going home Luke!"

He instantly stops, Sam turning to me also. Luke calls to me, but I'm already pushing myself through the crowed. I make my way out he door, walking down the dimly lit street. I knew the way to my house, I knew where I lived at least.

This is going to be one long walk.

LUKES P.O.V (just a quickie (;)

"Luke, we need you," Theodore speaks into the phone roughly.

"I can't," I sigh, searching the streets for Kenna.

I had sobered up, regretting everything. I was an ass, Kenna was smart to be mad, but wasn't smart to run out. She didn't know where we were. She could get lost, or even hurt.

"Let me guess," Theodore seethes, snapping me from my thoughts. "it's about Kenna."

He takes my silence as an answer.

"You have a final choice," he speaks, his voice low and affirmative. "You start helping the business. You talk to Rodriguez and you get your neglect apologized. Or, the girl might end up in danger."

My blood boils, making me want to rip off his head. My family "business" was something I wanted nothing to do with. It was driving me to insanity with the constant threats. They hadn't done anything, they were bluffing. I was family, even the worst people respect that. I wanted out of the messy shit. I wanted a life-one that consisted of Kenna.

"You're bluffing," I laugh. "I'm still out. Find another person to handle your problems."

"Fine," he laughs, his deep and menacing. "You'll see."

With that, the line clicks dead.


After about an hour of aimlessly walking, I take a breather. The memories of the fight run through my head. How could they be so stupid? I'm just a girl, not some trophy in a fighting championship. I wasn't the last spoonful of Nutella. They acted childishly. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, plopping on a bench at a local park. I hadn't been here but once, so it was no help at finding my way home.

Suddenly I feel a shift behind me. I whip around, but only finding darkness. I frown, turing back around and rubbing my arms. Why was it so cold? I hear a rustle, making me jump off the bench. I start walking toward the lights of town, hoping to come across something open 24/7.

I start to hear footsteps behind me. I walk faster, before breaking out in a sprint. The sound of my footsteps banging on the concrete doesn't hide the sound of another set, running also. I push myself harder, my breathing becoming shallow. I round one last corner, but a set of arms shoot out of the darkness, grabbing me. I let out a scream, but a hand cups over my mouth, a rag in their palm. I struggle, until the struggle is knocked out of me.

And everything goes black.



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