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Luke's P.O.V

As Kenna exist the kitchen, I turn to her slightly scary bet friend. She watches Kenna's every move, eyeing her carefully. She watches even after Kenna is long gone, her steps no longer heard. Amy finally turns to me, a frown on her face, matching my own.

"Kennedy isn't doing so well," I murmur, my gaze dropping. "What did Ally say?"

"I have a few guesses," she replies, running her fingers through her hair. I place my hands on the counter, palms down, breathing heavily.

"Like what?" I calmly reply, holding in he hatred for her.

Amy hesitates, looking at me skeptically, before narrowing her eyes. After a beat she sighs, sitting across from me. I watch her, waiting for her to spill it all, so I have a reason to sick someone on poor little Alison.

"People talk when a girl goes from one hot guy to the next," Amy starts, looking anywhere but at me. "We all know dear Ally is usually the center of the chat, especially when it comes to Kenna."

Another pause, a deep breath. The beat of my heart pounding in my chest, the curiosity flowing. Do people really talk about Kennedy that much? Are they that jealous?

"They say she's not good enough for someone like you. For you. They say she's a slut and that one day you realize how pathetic and worthless she is. That you'll see how big of a mistake you made for falling for broken Kenna. Poor Kenna, cheating on Sam. Poor Kenna, manipulating people. It's sick what they say Luke, it's horrifying!"

By the end of her rant/ramble, she's breathing heavy and looking out into the distance. Tears brim her eyes and I can't help but feel the opposite. While she's sad for Kenna, I'm angry. I don't know why people would do this to someone? Someone so caring.

I exit the kitchen, on my hunt for Kenna.

She's sitting in the grass, looking up at the stars. Her backyard looks spotless, her grass cut evenly. She doesn't hear me, but I can hear her sniffles and silent cries. I walk a little closer, the side of her face forming in the darkness, coming into view.

With only the moon and the outside lamps, I can make out her red face. She has tears falling down them, her eyes puffy an red. My heart breaks for her.

"Kenna?" I ask, stepping forward enough so she can see me. "Are you alright?"

Her head moves in my direction, her silhouette dancing in the moonlight. I step forward a little, extending my hand to her, hoping she will take it. She glances at it, before turning away again.

"They're right you know," she whispers. "I'm not worthy enough for you, Luke."

"Kennedy, do you even hear yourself right now?" I scoff.

"Don't," she demands. "Don't say my whole name when you want to get a point across!"

"I-I," I mumble. "It is your name. I didn't realize I did it."

"Well you do."

I sit beside her, her shivering body seeming so weak in the pale light of the moon. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into me. She stiffens, looking up at me. Tears still silently fall down her face, my thumb automatically coming up to wipe them away. Kenna looks down, almost ashamed.

"I believe them all," she mutters, her words like a knife in the thick air. "I don't think I'm the perfect enough girl for you, Mr. popular."

"Kenna, you don't seem to understand," I laugh, wrapping my arms tighter around her. "You're all I need. Want. You are perfect."

She hesitates, her eyes snapping up to mine. She kisses me on the cheek, a sigh escaping my lips. She leans her head against my chest, and everything falls perfectly.

Theodore stands before me, a disapproving look. I roll my eyes, walking past him. He catches up to my fast walk, falling into step beside me. I try my best to ignore him, continuing my walk to my room. Before I can open the door, Theodore's hand shoots out, grabbing it before I can.

"This Kennedy girl," he speaks with obvious distaste. "She's trouble, I still believe it."

"Don't talk about my girlfriend like that," I snap, yanking the doorknob from his grasp.

"You're not fulfilling the family business!" He hisses, yanking me toward him. "It's shameful, this Kennedy girl is nothing but trouble. What happened to Chloe?"

"You scared her off," I shrugged, my hand tapping my chin. "Or the whole thing with you sleeping with her and all."

Theodore laughs, the throaty noise echoing off the walls. I cringe at the harsh, blood curdling noise bounces around me. I take a step back, trying to keep a safe distance.

"I can't de-flower this one, eh?" he chuckles, patting my arm. "I know the whole 'don't touch her drill'," he adds, turning to leave. "But I make no promises dear Luke. "

I watch as he walks away, his room eventually obscuring my vision. I can't help but grow nervous, knowing his evil ways. Knowing him, it wasn't a threat. Oh no.

Knowing him, it was a promise.


Two updates in one day? Whaaaaaaaaa? I know I know.

You should check out the new description of this book, since I left out a huge chunk of which this whole book will eventually come too.


Thank you all!

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