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I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile.

I was just so busy with everything that I hadn't had any time. I also had no inspiration for this story, so this chapter probably sucks. It's short because I hardly managed to squeeze anything out into this chapter, it's horrible. But, it's a major turning point in her life, so many unanswered questions now. It's kinda insane how I could be this far in a book.

Thanks for your constant support though, it's really meant a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed the book. Now, enjoy the chapter.


Kenna's P.O.V

The gun shot echoed in my ears.

The horrible sound.

Although, before I get to that part, I should probably start from the very beginning.

It all started when I heard a very loud noise coming from another room somewhere. I had no idea there was even other rooms in this god awful place. The guards-scary guy 1 and 2- had went off to check out the commotion.

They were dumb enough to leave me and not think that I would take this golden opportunity to escape.

As they descend down the dark hallway, I feel my nerves bundle. This was my chance to escape. I slip out of the room, sneaking the opposite way that the two did. I hear the noise increase, causing me to gulp. Had I went the right way? I decide to just slip past silently-after a lot of debating-but the voice sounds familiar-too familiar.

I push open the door, my mouth dropping open at the sight before me. Ally stands in the center of the room, singing. I continue to gape, before I feel a surge of anger flicker through me.

"Why the hell are you here?" I demand, causing Ally to yelp in surprise. She shuts off the music, glaring at me.

"I could ask you the same question," she snaps, folding her arms across her chest. "Is T boinking you too?"

Is she for real?

"No," I reply bitterly. "The only thing T has done to me is fucking kidnap me!"

Ally stares blankly at me, before reaching out and pushing me. I stumble back into the wall, a hiss escaping my lips as I smack the concrete.

"Don't lie like that!" She exclaims, a venomous look in her eyes.

"I'm not lying you fucking twat!" I seethe, pushing Ally back. "I was chloroformed!"

Ally hold a venomous look in her eyes. "You lie! He wouldn't do that!"

"Why would I be here then?" I snap, walking toward her. "Why am I here? And dirty nonetheless!"

"Because!" She yells. "Because..because."

"Because what?" I sarcastically reply. "You're so fucking stupid."

Something breaks in her, causing her to pounce at me. Ally tackles me to the ground, causing a sharp pain in my shoulder. What the hell was this girls problem? She likes this lunatic so much, she can't see I've been down here for God knows how long? How dare she even think about fighting me.

"You bitch!" I hiss, springing forward. I tackle Ally to the ground, sitting on top of her.

I look down at her squirming body, anger pulsing through me. This girl bullied me-made me feel terrible-and now she was going to tell me I wasn't kidnapped? Who the hell does she think she is! I feel my anger rise, a loud thump in my ears. I bring my fist up, crashing down onto Ally's jaw. She moans in pain, causing me to let out a sigh. I hear someone clear their throat, my head snapping in their direction.

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