Chapter four

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Luke's P.O.V

Last night was crazy. I had bruises on my back and arms from Kenna pushing me down. I got up and checked my cell 6:02. Kenna said to meet her up at 6:30 so she could help me with math before school. I wipe my tired eyes and dressed in jeans and a dark shirt. I pulled on some vans (haha Kenna) then headed out.

I pulled up to the school and saw Kenna sitting on a bench. She wore her hair in a curly pony tail,and wore a peach colored dress with a white sweater. She looked cute. Wait. What?

I walked over to her and smiled. She looked up at me her stormy eyes taking me in. "Hey," I say cooly sitting next to her. "It's early!"

"Well if it's too early I can leave," she joked.

"No it's fine! how are you not freezing?"

"Well I'm a girl and beauty is pain," she smiled.

We began working. She would ask questions and I would get them wrong. We kept going at it until 7:24. People started showing up an whispers began. I brushed them off and stayed focused on Kenna.

"Aww look the loser and the wannabe." Snickered Ally. "Can't tell which is which!"

I felt a surge of anger. I glared at Ally before glancing at Kenna. She didn't seem phased at all.

"Hey look Luke another monkey escaped from the zoo." Retorted Kenna.

Ally opened and closed her mouth. "Bitch," sneered Ally.

"You've obviously never met yourself," snickered Kenna earning a squeal from Ally as she stormed away.

I looked at Kenna and smiled. Her eyes met mine and I stared at her for awhile. The bell rang and she grabbed her bag and got up. "No walking Into lockers!" I joked as she walked away. She turned back to me and rolled her eyes before walking away. I smiled and got up. I began walking to class when I saw a girl looking around confused.

"Hey are you knew?" I asked. Taking in her Cotton candy smell.

"Yes! can you help me?" she asked looking me over smiling.

"Sure. What's your first class?"

"Home economics with Mr. James."

"Oh hey my friends in that class," I said realizing I had just met her two days ago and so much had happened.

"What's her name?" She questioned.

"Uh her name is Kenna. I used to have that class actually, but I changed my schedule."

"To bad. I'm Anna. You are?"

"Luke," I said smiling. We made it to the class and I waved. "Bye Anna see you later!"

"I hope so," she said with a wink.


Kenna's P.O.V

I looked up and saw a new girl come in. She shot the teacher a smile and he pointed her to my seat. "You have a partner now," beamed the teacher. The girl smiled and plopped beside me.

"I'm Anna," she said shaking my hand.

"I'm Kenna," I replied smiling as happy as I could.

"You're Luke's friend right?"

I looked at her wide eyes. "Uh how do you know?"

"I just met him. Lead me here. He told me about you. God he is cute. Is he available?"

Gosh she talks a lot. "Yeah I think."

"Do you like him?" she asked with intensity.

"I have a boyfriend," I replied annoyed.

"Oh," she beamed.

With that I turned. What was this girls problem? why does she ask so many question? Gosh now I am!

The class went on forever and when it finally ended I ran out. Ally shot me daggers as I bumped her I didn't care I wanted out. Sam smiled at me and laced her fingers with mine. Luke walked up and cringed a little. What was that? I smiled at him and he did the same.

"Killer party tonight!" yelled Sam. "You all have to be there. At the beach tonight nine! We can go to the carnival!"

My eyes lit up at the sound of carnival and so did Luke's. The boys pumped their fist and the girls that hung out with them squealed. I looked at everyone, they're crazy. Sam squeezed my hand and I smiled. Everyone agreed to meet at nine at park lane beach. Then we parted ways. I walked with Sam and Anna ran after Luke.

What a puppy dog.


Well you can probably guess why will happen in the next chapter will be about. They're going to the beach and something's going to go down between Ally and Kenna. Let's just say someone's falling. Well..

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