The question!

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Amaris POV:

As I was walking away from the stage after Nash,carter,hayes, and Cameron performed I heard my name in the speaker " um is there an Amaris here?" I turned around to see Nash on the microphone .

I was all confused and I saw him turn around to Shawn and he looked all mad and embarrassed.

My mind kept on racing.

Shawn POV:

When I heard Nash saying her name on the mic. I got so emberassed and I saw her and she looked all confused and emberassed. I was pretending like I was mad at Nash doing that but on the inside I was very happy!

Nash POV:

As Amaris was walking towards the stage Shawn smile just grew bigger and bigger everytime she got closer to the stage. When she got by the stage I helped her up and then Shawn walked over and asked her if she can come back stage with him

Amaris POV:

I was so nervous I didn't know what to say and I didn't want I be akward. I was following him to the back and I was so nervous. As he stopped by a wall backstage he Looked nervous and I got nervous too. My head couldn't stop racing!

Shawn POV:

When Amaris was walking behind me to go backstage, thoughts raced through my head thinking what am I gonna tell her?!

I was getting nervous

As I stopped and turned around around and looked at her I just stared at her eyes and couldn't get my eyes off them.

I told her sorry about what happened back there and she just smiled and said "it was ok"

She told me "umm why did u pull me backstage?

I was sord of embarrassed to tell her why but I just told her the truth.

"We'll the first time I saw you my heart started racing I didn't know at first but now I do I know this might sound weird because I barely even know you but I would really want to know you better, you are like the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen in my life, and I knew that today was gonna be the last day I would ever see you, and I couldn't let that happen I needed to let you know how I feel about u. U might think I'm creepy or something but I just wanted to let you know:)

Amaris POV:

When he was telling me this stuff that thought came back into my head " he probrally does this to A LOT of girls and I'm probrally not the only one.

So I asked him " how am I suppost to know that I'm the only girl that you've done this to there is a lot of girls that come and then u see me and tell me this stuff ? "Why me?"

Shawn POV:

when she asked me that I was out of words I said "we'll you know me I am a really shy guy and I don't think I have had the guts to tell a beautiful girl like you how I feel if that Dosnt prove anything well I'm sorry that I have wasted your time but I really really like you But it's okay if u don't feel the same way about me.

Bye Amaris I said I turned around thinking that she didn't

feel the same way about me until...

I really didn't want to leave but I didn't want to waste

her time and I didn't know how she really felt about me .

Amaris POV:

when Shawn told me that and turned around and walked away I had to tell him I felt the same

way so as soon as he walked away I said "Shawn wait I need to tell u something " as soon as I said that he turned fast and looked at me like he was smiling I walked up to him smilin too and said

"thank u for saying that stuff and I really want to believe you that I'm the only girl but I have to earn your trust but there is no way we could see eachother no more.

Shawn POV:

When I walked away and heard her say my name joy filled my heart and I quickly turned around and smiled.

When she told me there is no way we could see eachother no more thoughts raced into my head to find an answer to that question.

I just said really fast "we'll the magcon boys are going to stay here for a week because the next meet and greet got cancelled so we have to stay in a motel for another week and durin the week I can probrally take you out of that's ok with you?

In me head I really wanted her to go with me because to be honest I really liked her because I had never met a girl so sweet and herself before and she was one of a kind.

She told me "ok ya that would be nice but my parents are really strict and it's gonna be really hard to convince them cuz they don't even know who u are.

I said quickly

" we'll ill ask ur parents even though it might be hard to convince them it will be worth it.

On the inside I felt sord of scared to ask but I couldn't show it.

Okay we'll here's my number I wrote It on a piece of paper a fast as I could. Thanks she said! I didn't know how to say bye like do I give her a hug or I just say bye but as fast as I knew it I was there huggin her saying bye. When u hugged her it felt just right!!

Amaris POV:

When we said bye he gave me a big hug. OMG he smelled sooo good. I said bye to him , but i didnt want to go.

I left the stage And went to go look for heather. When she saw me she ran up to me and said " OMG what happened." I explained everything to her and she couldn't stop smiling. Haha me neither. My cheeks hurt so much of how much I was smiling. It was the best day of my life. Who would ever think it would happen to ME?!

Plzz comment on what you think of the story!!!

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