The song

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Shawn POV:

When I was done singing my last song I thought about a great idea.

I got the microphone and said 'hey you guys. Umm I think you all know that my girlfriend Amaris couldn't come on tour with us in magcon and I just wanted to sing this song for her because the first time I met her she was just a fan like all of you guys here and when she was in the crowd I sung this song to her and I just want to dedicate this song to her. This song is called 'if I can't be with you ' by r5'

All of the girls said 'awwww that's sooo cute!'

I looked up an saw all the girls just looking and they all had their phones With then and they were all saying 'he loves Amaris soo much'.

I got my guitar and closed my eyes and started singing 🎶'I don't wanna be famous i don't want to if I can't be with you , everything is tasteless, everything I see don't compare to you,🎶

(My voice started to crack. Meanwhile i was singing the song i was the thinking of amaris and i was trying to bring back the memory when i was singing to amaris the first time)

🎶Paris money going Vegas I'd rather stay with you if I had to choose, but baby your the greatest I got everything to loose, I just wanna be with you. 🎶 A tear ran down my face as I thought of Amaris.

I got up from chair and went backstage.

I just couldn't sing the song.

Nash POV:

As I was watching Shawn sing the song I heard his voice crack and I knew he was going to start crying.

After him singing more lyrics he got up and I saw him tearing up some more. He went backstage and I ran after him.

Shawn POV:

When I sat down on a chair backstage and wiped my tears away I felt a hand in my back and I looked up and it was Nash.

'You ok man?'

'Ya it's just cuz I was thinking of Amaris and how I sung her this song the first day I met her. '

'You really do love her huh man?'

' Ya I love her alot. ! '

'I'm sorry man that this had to happen'

'No it's fine. '

Amaris POV:

I got up from watching tv And decided to check my phone.

I opened vine and saw alot of comments and videos of Shawn.

I opened a video and saw shawn on top of the stage with his guitar and i heard him singing Our song! 'I Just wanna be with you ' and then I saw him get up wiping away tear and headed back stage. !!!'

I immediately called Shawn.

Shawn POV :

I was talking with Nash when I felt my phone vibrate . I got it from my back pocket and saw that Amaris was calling. When I saw her name I let out a big smile.

I got up and told Nash 'its Amaris !:)'



'Hows everything going' Amaris asked me.

'Well not so good I couldn't finish a song that I was singing to u for the was the first song I sang to u(:'

'Aw Shawn...Ya i saw a video of what happened. Well thank you for singing the song. you made me tear up when i saw you cry. Shawn I love u(:'

'I love u to my beautiful princess!'

I was about to say something else when Nash said 'hey man we gotta go the fans are getting alittle worried that ur not out there .

'Ok beautiful I need to leave now. Ill call you tonight !:)'

'Ok Shawn love you!'

'Love you too!:)

When I walked on the stage all the girls said 'are you ok Shawn?'

'Ya I'm fine it's just that I was thinking of my girlfriend. And I don't know why but I can't do anything without her.

Amaris POV:

When I hung up with Shawn I went down stairs and showed the video to my mom.

'Mom look at Shawn crying when he was singing the song that he first sang to me.'

She saw the video and her face looked sad

'Wow mija he really does love you!'

'Ya mom and I love him too!

Mom POV:

When I saw that Shawn cried thinking of my daughter while he was singing to a whole crowd of fans I realized that Shawn really did love Amaris alot !

I know how true love is because I really loved my husband when me and him were going out when we were younger and we didn't want to go anywhere without eachother. I know Amaris and Shawn really want to go on tour together but I have to make this descision a right one.

*3 hours passed

Mom POV:

I was thinking really hard of my desicion of letting my daughter go to magcon with the boys.

Amaris was in the living room watching tv when I called her 'Amaris can you come please ?'


"Umm I don't think Theodore (our dog ) has been walked outside yet. Can you please walk him around the block please. '

'Ya shure '

When Amaris left to walk the dog I went up to her room and got her phone and looked for Shawn's number.

I got the number and called him through my phone.

Shawn : 'hello'

'Hi Shawn this is Amaris mom. How are you '

'Hi:) well I'm doing alittle better now and you ?:)'

'I'm doing good. Well Amaris showed me the video of you on stage singing a song and that you started tearing up when you were thinking about Amaris.'

'Ya That song was when I first layed my eyes on Amaris and I fell in love with her. And I started crying because I knew that she wasn't there with me.'

'That's soo sweet of you. Well what you did up there showed that you really love my daughter. I was thinking about it and I think I'm going to let Amaris go on tour with you. BUT you have To keep this a surprise. '

'Oh my gosh ! Thank you soooo much. I would love Amaris to be on tour with me and with the boys !! Thank you !'

'Is there any way that you can surprise her?'

'Well I think the next tour is going to be next to there and Ill drop by an give Her the good news. Ill be there in 2 days. '

'Ya that sounds good. Ill reserve a little party hall and ill invite my family so they can say goodbye to her. '

'Ok ill think on how ill surprise her. And thank you very much again!!!!!!'

'You welcome.'

Amaris came back 30 minutes later all tired from running with the dog.

'Hi mom I'm really tired I'm goin to go to sleep. Love you

'Love you too!

Thank you guys for reading!! It means alot !

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