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Shawn POV:
It was like about 7 in the morning when carter woke me up telling me that we had to head to the tour bus to leave.
'Ok man thanks' I said as I got up from my bed thinking about Amaris.
'Are you ok dude? '
'Ya I'm fine. Just thinking. '
'Oh ok'
I couldn't stop thinking about Amaris.
Something in me was missing.
I had to call Amaris before I left.

'Hi Shawn!(:'
'Hey Amaris!(: well I'm about to leave...' I said trying not to tear up.

'Just remember Amaris I love u with all my heart and I'm going to miss u alot! I don't even know how I'm going to do it without u'

I could hear Amaris tearing up and she said
'I know Shawn I love u and I'm going to miss u alot! '
My manager told me to hurry up to finish packing the bus. I didn't want to stop talking with Amaris but I saw that the boys needed help.
'Amaris I have to go now. I promise I Will call you everytime I have time. I love you a lot my beautiful princess '

'Thank you shawn !:I love you too'

Then I hung up. I just missed Amaris alot already.

I got into the bus and on the way to New York for a magcon event The boys were all wild and trying to cheer me up. I guess it worked alittle cuz I got a smile to break in.
When we got to the hotel Alot of girls were there.
All of the girls got to take pictures with us.

We got to our room and I texted Amaris
'Hey beautiful, we got here already :)!'
'Hi Shawn! I'm glad you got there safe!'
'Ya so how has your day been?"
'Its been pretty boring haha'
'Mine too. Too much being on the bus!'
'Haha I'm just here watching tv!:)
'Thats great!(: well I gtg because I have to get ready for the magcon meet and greet! call u tonight. I love you:*'

'Ok love u :*'

I put my phone down and got ready.

It was 5:30 in the afternoon when the magcon event was going to start.
Me an the boys got ready and headed down stairs to the room that the fans were going to be in.
I could hear all of the fans screaming and yelling.
When meet and greet can along it was pretty fun.
Alot of fans came to this magcon event because it was New York. I've never seen soo much people.
My manager came up to me And said its time for you boys to go on stage.
So I took the last picture with a fan and went straight to the stage.
Nash, and Hayes and went on stage saying 'you guys ready to have fuuuunnnn?!?!?'
All the girls screamed 'yaaaaaa'
Nash and Hayes went on the stage and made all the girls laugh and fall in love with then even more.
Cameron , carter ,Hayes ,Matthew and Nash went on stage and did their little dance. Haha it was soo funny. Magcon sord of gave me a sense of peace. Magcon family was always there for me. Their song finsished and all the girls screamed 'again! again!' The boys looked all tired from dancing so much they told all the girls 'later because these dancing legs are tired! I looked in the crowd an i saw a big poster and it was of cameron making his double chin face. It was soo funny. I yelled to cameron 'hey cam look at that poster overthere !'
He looked overthere and started laughing at the posterThen he went to the mic. And said 'hey you overthere with that big poster of me'
That girl looked shocked and said 'yes' 'well you got a pretty nice poster overthere hahaha '
she said all crying of excitement 'well ill do anything to get your attention' and then cameron went down from the stage and went up to the girl and hugged her and said 'well guess what ? you did catch my attention!:) the girl started to cry even more. All the girls were crowding over Cameron. Poor cam he looked like he needed help Carter ran on to the mic and said 'now who wants to hear shawn sinnnngggg!!!!!' and then to my surprise all the girls ran to the front and started to come closer to the stage. Good thing carter said that because cameron wasnt trampled that much anymore.
I went on stage and sat on the chair with my guitar.
All the girls wanted me to sing 'counting stars'. So I started to sing that song and all the girls started to sing along with me. Everytime I sing I feel peace inside me and I block everything out and sing my heart out.

*15 minutes later

I finished singing my last song when I felt I had to sing one more song!

Thank you guys for reading Please comment and vote. What do you think he's gonna sing in the next chapter??!

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