Last day with shawn

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Amaris POV:

Me and Shawn decided to go to some restaurant.

But when we were there he didn't really look happy.

'Shawn are you ok?'

'Ya, it's just I can't believe I can't see you anymore after today'

'Me too shawn. ATleast we can video chat and text:)' I said trying to bring him joy

'I know Amaris but its not the same without you.'

'I know it's not gonna be the same without you here with me.'

When the food came out we talked alittle more and Shawn sadness sord of went away.

When we were done eating we headed outside. And then while we were walking to the car he stopped me and hugged me for a long time and said 'remember I love you no matter

what happens :)'

'I love you too Shawn!'

He gave me a kiss and we headed to the car.

We got Frozen yogurt and went to the park to eat it. We sat down on a bench under the trees.

I layed my head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around me.

It was so beautiful outside.

I looked up at Shawn and he had his eyes closed I guess admiring how calm it was outside and how beautiful it was.

I looked at him and said to myself 'wow look at that dreamy face haha ! And he's mine?!

He opened his eyes and said 'look at my beautiful princess:) how can I leave you? A lot of guys are going to go after you knowing that I left! He said while me and him started laughing

'Don't worry Shawn you'll always be mine'

We kissed and then threw away our froyo cups .

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If I get up to 4 votes ill post a new chapter


Caught my eye : shawn mendesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz