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When shawn and I walked in her house her family greeted us with a big hug welcoming us into their house.
All of their family was telling shawn "wow! I cant believe how much time passed by! You look like a young adult now!"
"Hahha thanks"

Juliannas mom " so is this the lucky girl Shawn's dating :)"
all I could do is blush and shawn rubbed my back and said "yes she's my girlfriend "
I accidentally looked at Juliana and she rolled her eyes
*1 hour passed and we all finished our food and so we just were there at the table taking.
"So shawn how did you and amaris meet?" (Julianas mom)
"It's a long story but a good one ................"
After he told them how we met that all said "awwwwww❤️😭 how cute!"
He said "I'm one lucky boy!" As he kissed my cheek.
"And I'm one lucky girl!"

Julianas dad said "so how is your touring going along?"
"It's been really good!"
"So how did you find Juliana?"
"Well we were in tour and then that's when she saw me. I was so surprised to see Juliana "
"Ya she told us all about you how good your life and your singing career is going !"
"Haha thanks!:)"
"But then Juliana told me about her little cousin passed away?"
All of their family looked confused and looked at juliana
Juliana looked down
"Juliana! Why would you say that ?"
"Mom...... It's cuz ......"
Juliana couldn't answer
And then she looked at shawn and said "soory shawn but that wasn't true"
"Well why would you tell me that someone passed away?"
"Shawn it's cuz ...... I just really wanted for you to hang out with me since we haven't seen eachother for a long time and I thought we could have a relationship again"
he looked at her and then said "if you saw that I already had a girlfriend then why would you try to take her away form me?"
"I don't know?"
"Well you hurt me and especially amaris because she told me all about all the dirty looks you would give her and then plus you tried to take her away from me?"
"I'm sorry shawn. And I'm sorry amaris. I just have to accept the fact that you guys were meant to be and should just be there for you guys. "
"Thank you Juliana :)" me and Shawn said
"Well I'm really sorry amaris and shawn that my daughter did that to you guys"
"No it fine mrs. White I just don't want it to happen again"
"i promise it won't " Juliana said
2 hours later we were still talking at the table and having fun.
It was already late at night so me and amaris had to leave.
"By amaris " Juliana told me as she hugged me
"My Juliana 😊"
her family was really nice and I was happy that Juliana had told the truth.

Caught my eye : shawn mendesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz