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Hey there,

So I WAS going to wait till tomorrow to post this, but I feel like it's ready now so I thought why wait? I hope you enjoy this!

Love E xx


Within the month Olivia was moved again, now finding herself assigned to an American base camp on Southern French soil, she would be part of this camp's medical team for the foreseeable future; all hope of being assigned a mission that was possible to complete had disappeared. Evans figured she'd been forgotten, lost as an agent. It had been over a year. She turned twenty tomorrow; that meant she'd not been home to Pontypridd in exactly four years- nearly a quarter of her life.

"Jones," Evans snapped from her musing as a new truck full of injured soldiers began to fill their beds. Just two more hours of her shift left; then it was just one sleep and then her birthday. This truck seemed fuller than the last, leaving only one bed unfilled now. Hopefully, this lot could be cleared a little by tomorrow, or god knows what you happen. Nevertheless, she set to work; she seemed the only one who still tried to ease the soldiers' emotional pain, as well as their physical ailments. Some days it felt like she was the only one who still remembered they were people too.

Taking off her uniform in the nurses' confines, she settled into her cot, wishing and willing herself to sleep. Before the war, she'd never sleep the night of her birthday, she would be too excited. Since the war, at least since she'd been part of it anyway, sleep was no longer an issue, the constant physical fatigue made sure of that; it was the nightmares that she struggled with the most. Thankfully, on this night she had none, meaning she woke at four thirty, as she did every morning, feeling more refreshed than usual.

"Happy birthday," a few fellow nurses greeted her, handing her a card and a present that was carefully wrapped in brown paper. Olivia grinned giddily as she opened the present; the card read the wrong name and upset her a little, so she started with the present. It would only be something small and cheap, but it meant the world nonetheless. Under the paper, she found a box filled with chocolate, maybe eight or nine bars, and Belgian chocolate too. This was not cheap or little as she'd expected- this was a rather grand gesture.

"I'll admit, we'd only gotten you two until Colonel Phillips chipped in a lot of money yesterday evening and excused Lacy to go and get some more." Carrie blurted and Olivia was surprised. After yesterday, she would have thought her birthday was the last thing he'd care for.

She was decked out with a birthday banner, which was apparently mandatory and herself, Lacy and Carrie were excused from evening duties as a present from Head Nurse Lee. However, she still had a whole day on the job until then; so she braced herself for the day and entered the ward area with her usual polished smile.

"Miss Jones," The colonel's voice was less demanding today when Olivia heard it just before her lunch break "I'm trusting you with this one okay?" he looked at her differently now, she wasn't just a nurse to him anymore. She was a person with a strong will and a great deal of determination to do the right thing for her job- he saw himself in her in many ways now. That and, he now realised she was Agent 21, as he'd not been given the alias she would be using whilst undercover. Olivia nodded,

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