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Aannd out of nowhere... I'm back (sort of).

As always, I'm really sorry for disappearing for, like six months, but I've got a lot ready to publish to sort of make up for it (sort of).

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:31p.m.


"Alright, men," Olivia began through the radio to what was known as the 'Howling Commandos'. They were awaiting their tactics from her safe holed up desk back in London, it was their first planned destruction of a HYDRA base. "You're about three miles away from the fences, you get in and get out, do you hear me. If they shoot at you, then you shoot back. This is not a recovery operation, the captain will decide your approach and also Barnes, your mother has booked us a reception hall for the wedding." She was smiling after her last message and the Colonel rolled his eyes. If it was anyone else, he would have come down on them like a ton of bricks for using the radio for personal use, but he had a definite soft spot for Olivia.

"Sounds great Ace," Bucky chuckled back whilst the other men laughed and whistled at the pair.

"Er, Evans," Steve's wary voice replied to her, catching Peggy's attention. "Are you sure you don't have any suggestions as to how to follow through with this..." he began but she cut him off, noticing the Colonel's face turning stony. This mission was vital if he failed they would die.

"Steve, listen to me." She spoke confidently, knowing Steve needed the tougher kind of love in that moment "I'm not there, I can't call it as you can. You're the captain Steve. You have got this." She replied and the radio fell silent on Steve's end, meaning he had accepted the role and was giving the others orders.

Planning the wedding got more difficult from that point, Bucky wasn't going to be able to come home until late February and the wedding was booked for March 4th. That meant Olivia had to make all the decisions from England whilst Elsie and Bucky's Mom sorted them the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Stark had promised to fly back the commandos and some others to make sure everyone was in Brooklyn for the wedding. Olivia was finding it more and more difficult to only have radio contact with Bucky and the weeks passed, every day she was terrified hey wouldn't report back and every day she'd cry when they were all safe. The Colonel was keeping quiet about his lack of faith though, praying she'd get through it before not too long.

"She needs a distraction." Stark proposed just days before Christmas, "She needs to focus on something outside of this bunker."

"It's not our job to keep her personal life a float." The Colonel argued, with his usual level of sassiness.

"To be honest Colonel you pretty much sunk that ship when you commissioned her fiancé to the front line." Howard retorted,

"I'll take her to get her dress fitted." Peggy proposed, she'd not told anyone yet, but she'd been tasked as maid of honour and so far she'd done nothing to help. Olivia had debated asking Elsie, but at the same time, she wanted Peggy to be the one walking down the aisle next to Steve.

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