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It's not just me that thinks that gif looks like Steve is trying to win a dance marathon or something, right?

Love E x

Published 2/5/18 at 6:26p.m

Bucky was a different person without Olivia. It was as if he didn't know how to function without her around. He'd never been much of a romantic- sure he knew how to treat a girl right and he was always a gentleman, but romance just didn't fit him. Yet, with her gone, he felt an emptiness that was seemingly only eased by spending hours reading her books, the ones she left behind anyway. It felt like the best way to still feel her presence. They'd spent many evenings, in the months before she left, sat in different places around the city whilst she read. Her favourite place was along the wooden boardwalk of the closed port. They used to sit right on the end, Olivia's legs over the edge, being sprayed lightly by the waves, as Bucky laid with his head in her lap, watching the concentrated look that graced her face so beautifully. He'd admire as she bit her lip, following the storyline avidly; her hand would mindlessly play with his hair and they'd stay there until she could no longer make out the words. These days without her, Bucky found that he could still see her concentration and feel her hands in his hair when he read her books. He also did it to feel closer to her, there was an intimacy in sharing the novel, as if they were the only two who could even dare to talk about it.

Usually, when he found him, Steve would tease him for being such a sappy romantic; Bucky would laugh away his blush and they would go home. Bucky never remembered to thank Steve for pulling him out of his own head and bringing him back into the present. This time, it wasn't Steve that broke him from his reverie, it was the uneasy feeling Bucky got whenever he hadn't heard from Steve in a while. He checked his watch, knowing Steve should have got there ten minutes ago at the latest. He began his rush back to the docks where Steve worked, checking down every street and alley that Steve neared. He sighed, finally hearing Steve's familiar grunts and groans/

"I can do this all day." The cocking blond announced tiredly as Bucky rounded the corner, his fists already clenched. This guy was even bigger than the last one Steve had picked a fight with. It had been so long since the last time he'd had to rescue Steve- he'd hoped Steve had learnt his lesson.

"Hey!" Bucky yelled, making the angered man turn towards him. The man swung for Bucky, who was too quick on his feet for him (due to many hours spent boxing), he easily dodged the stranger's assault. Bucky swiftly landed two painful hits to the stomach and nose, not hard enough to break it, but there was bleeding.

"Barnes?" the bruised man questioned, wiping the blood on the back of his sleeve as it quickly clotted. Bucky knew how to fight and leave little damage but a strong impression.

"Willow?" Bucky squinted back, the man before him had gone to school with him. Bucky didn't usually know the idiots that picked on Steve; so Steve didn't really know how to handle himself in the situation. "What you doing picking on a guy half your size man?" Bucky scolded, frowning, disappointed in his former friend.

"You know this kid Barnes?" Willow questioned, looking between the pair in disbelief

"He's not a kid John," Bucky warned, "He's barely a year younger than you."

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