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Published 31/5/18 at 12:21 am

Steve forced Bucky into the infirmary, despite Bucky's protests,

"Bucky come on, at least let Olivia check you over, we don't know the kinds of experiments they may have done on you in there," Steve argued, but Bucky was just annoyed that he had to let go of Olivia in order to get to the hospital bed.

"He's right Bucky," Olivia piped up "I have to get back to work anyway." She kissed him once more before turning away, against her better judgement, and heading to the infirmary tent. She ignored the whistles that were stirred by her and Bucky's affectionate display. She dressed in her nurse uniform as she was needed to help out after the massive increase in patients due to Steve's return.

"Nurse Evans, the men are freezing, it's November for goodness sake, and we have no blankets left." One of the nurses caught her arm and pulled Olivia to the side just as she picked up her first patients file. Most nurses only picked up a soldier's file once in whilst they were in their care; they never needed to do it a second time.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." She nodded.

"Yes Ma'am," The nurse sighed. Olivia poked her head out the door of the tent to the group of men still stood around joshing about with the returning prisoners.

She marched up to them with wrathful determination.

"Alright you lot, enough pissing about." She snapped "Any returning men should be heading to the mess tent for brief assessment and then take their directions from the officers there. Those who have not been imprisoned should be doing your jobs, now if you are without jobs then you can also head over to the mess tent and help with supplies." She ordered, taking the men by surprise at the loudness of her small voice. "You," she continued, pointing at the man closest on her left who was too clean to have just come back from the Hydra base. "Go straight to find Agent Carter and tell her Olivia says we need supplies and to call Howard, but for the love of god do not let anyone hear you, understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," he saluted and hurried off, letting Olivia return to the infirmary.

She finally made it to Bucky's bed and he was not impressed at having to be there for so long.

"How come you were the only one of the lot who was taken away for experimentation?" she questioned with a sly smirk, making him smile up at her whilst she checked him over. "You shouldn't test those kinds of people, they are bad people." She sighed, unable to resist stroking her fingers down the side of his face.

"I didn't, I was just the closest to the guard and they needed to scare the others." He replied sadly

"Collateral damage again huh?" she shook her head at how he always ended up getting himself into trouble.

"Something like that..." he grinned boyishly.

"Liv I don't need to be here," Bucky stated, although it came across as more of an argument.

"We don't know that yet." She replied, talking to him like he was just another soldier raring to get out of his bed and back into the fight with his comrades. "Besides, this way I can keep an eye on you."

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