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Hey there, so I've decided I'm going to have to update at least once a day to make sure I have at least a majority of the book out before I go away for the summer. I'm going away to Borneo for a whole month between July and August and so whilst I am out there I won't be able to update because I won't have WiFi. I feel as though I should get as much of this book out there before I go just because you guys as readers don't deserve to only be given five or six chapters, only for me to disappear for a month. My hope is that I will be able to finish the book before I go as I have finished all my exams and will not have to go back to college until September, meaning I should have a fair amount of free time to write this book in. However, I am not making any promises to have it finished, so if the book falls silent and it is not being updated often, it is because I am on the other side of the planet and I am very sorry.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter. This is Bucky and Olivia's first date and you'll find out more about Bucky and his family in this. You won't meet them just yet but you'll learn how Bucky views his family. I hope you like it.

Love E xx

P.S- From now on I'll be highlighting the sentence or part of the chapter that links to the gif at the top.

Published 29/6/17 at 2:09 a.m


It may have been her day off, but that sure didn't stop the rest of the camp from brightly bustling around from five o'clock in the morning. She left the comfort of her tent around nine; immediately she was greeted by Colonel Phillips towering stature.

"Miss Evans, a word?" A similar sense of worry built in her, as she followed the tall man to the familiar USF tent, as when she heard the words spoken to her by him yesterday. "I understand that it is your day off, and you clearly have plans," He motioned to the light blue dress, patterned with flowers all over it and a skirt that flowed to just below her knee. She was wearing a matching, smart, dark blue cardigan that went with her belt. "However, I need you to be accessible at all times- I have the phone number for the fair you're attending, but you should stay aware that we may need you at any point today." He warned, although his tone held notes of an apologetic nature.

"Yes sir," She nodded, hiding her disappointment well.

Bucky came knocking at her tent at exactly twelve o'clock. Olivia had been waiting for him for a while, but noon had been the agreed time so she didn't say anything. Instead, she slowly made her way to the tent door, terrified to open it, but she did anyway because she refused to be left in the rubble of her former self for a man. She was strong-minded enough to push past her anxieties and greet her companion.

"Ace, you look beautiful," Bucky gushed, softly kissing her cheek, encouraging the tint of red to grace her cheeks.

The train ride there was over an hour long; they needed to be far enough away from the front line to find it. The fair was advertised on posters all around the train station when they arrived, but the whole place looked rather abandoned as they walked sheepishly alongside one another from the train station. The fair was held in a small town, a local affair that appeared to be an attempt to raise some money for the French troops fighting the Germans. When they arrived, the field was alive with activity; Olivia's whole body was buzzing with electricity in excitement, she hadn't been to an event such as this since before her Father died. The mess of excited thoughts was immediately calmed when Bucky's hand sheepishly fumbled to grasp hers. He was so nervous around her, not that she noticed at all; he was overwhelmed by her intelligence and the size of her heart, for a woman who appeared so alone in the world it seemed strange the way she held her arms open to embrace everyone she met (figuratively of course). She wasn't just caring and sweet though, she was fiery and passionate, following her heart yet still being true to her mind and doing things her own way.

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