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Hey, so I missed yesterday's update because I was out all night celebrating my mum's fiftieth birthday and we all got a little (a lot) drunk so I figured it wasn't the best idea to edit the chapter and post it when I couldn't actually read properly. 

Anyways, we meet a few more important character's in this chapter, and we say good bye to one already. This is supposed to be quite sad and concentrates mostly on Bucky's thoughts and feelings; what happens in this chapter does influence the actions of the character's in other chapters. I hope you like this chapter, despite it's sad vibe.

Lots of love

E xx

Published 3/7/17 at 00:


"Sergeant Barnes, can you please follow me?" a Captain ordered Bucky, who was just grabbing his breakfast. It was early December and Olivia still hadn't come back yet. Bucky was wearing three pairs of socks that day, to prepare for their mission, he was about to be leading the 107th infantry into German territory, but the colonel had other plans. Bucky followed the captain into a meeting tent that Olivia often went into; there were more boxes of files in there than Bucky thought was safe, but he remained silent as he was greeted by Colonel Chester.

"Sergeant Barnes," Colonel Chester spoke slowly and courteously, that was Bucky's first clue something was wrong. "Barnes we have just received a letter approving temporary extraction from front line duty due to a domestic issue." Bucky's brain immediately wondered which of his soldiers could possibly be put in such a position.

"Who, sir, who is the letter about?" he questioned politely.

"Barnes it's you. I'm afraid your brother Robert passed away and your mother sent a plea to have you home for the funeral." He sighed; Bucky was silent for a while as the air was sucked right out of him. Robbie was dead.

"Pardon my forwardness Sir, but that's not how this works," Bucky replied, having delivered the news of a lost relative to his men before. He wasn't sure why the detail mattered he just couldn't get it out of his head."No one goes home from this."

"It appears that, somehow, Mr Stark caught wind of the news and offered his services to help get you home. You clearly have made an impression on him Barnes, or maybe Miss Jones did, either way, he wants to help you." Colonel Chester commented "James I've very sorry for your loss." he added and Bucky couldn't read if this man felt bad for him or not, nor did he care, he was struggling to feel anything at all

"Thank you sir," he didn't know how he was supposed to react. Robbie was dead. His baby brother was gone.

"You're signed off of duty until further notice as well."

By the evening Bucky was already on his flight home, he wasn't sure how they were flying so below anyone's radar, but again he didn't care. He couldn't find it in himself to care. He felt almost empty. He hadn't cried, not even in private, he received the news in such a formal way it hardly felt real. In all his nightmares about losing family or Steve or Liv, he'd always received the news from someone in floods of tears; he hadn't been prepared for that. The flight back was long and painful, not actually painful, but painful for Bucky. It was an emotional kind of pain that he could feel in his gut that got worse and worse, making him feel like he needed to be sick, but never actually letting him be sick. He couldn't tell if he was coming or going. His brain was only wondering if Olivia was given the news- he wasn't sure she would have been. He didn't even know where in the world she was, quite literally. Her last few letters had been rather vague about her whereabouts; he knew she'd left England and had, for some reason, spent a lot of time with Howard Stark, but other than that he knew nothing. He also wasn't sure how she was moving about at such a pace, especially since air travel was practically a death wish at this point. Then again, there he was himself on an aeroplane and not getting shot down.

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