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Sooo... I know this book is going slow BUT on the bright side I have just published another story called Timeless and it's a Tom Holland fic. Don't worry though because this one is completely finished, well it needs editing in places, but the whole story is there so feel free to check that one out.
Love E x

Published 3/10/2018 @ 9:05p.m.

Olivia was up at five the next morning and she was out the door at six, leaving Bucky to wake up only to a cup of coffee and a quick kiss on the lips.

"You make me feel so used!" he yelled jokingly after her as she left. The laugh was still playing on her lips as she entered into Stark's lab.

"You seem happy today," Howard noted, drawing Peggy's attention to Olivia as she rolled her eyes at Stark but couldn't fight the smile.

"I'm getting married to Bucky." She shrugged, blushing when she thought of how he called her Mrs Barnes the night before to push her over the edge.

"Evans, have a look at this," Stark called to her, with his face against a window of glass and his hands guiding some levers. "Emissions signature is unusual. Alpha-beta ray neutral," he dictated to a doctor in a lab coat. Olivia knew better than to get too close though and stood just outside the door, leaning her head over to hear what stark was saying. "Although I doubt Rogers picked up on that. It seems harmless enough; it's hard to see what all the fuss is about." Evans lost interest as she found the work desk of shields laid out for Steve; just as she turned away the room Stark was in seemed to explode behind her.

"For goodness sake Howard," Olivia grumbled as she picked him up

"Write that down." He called to the jacket with a clipboard, brushing himself off and ignoring the mess. 

"Agent Evans," Peggy called after Olivia had persuaded Stark to leave the weapon alone for a while "Captain Roger's is here," Olivia nodded and followed her to the reception area.

"How long do you think he's been waiting?" Olivia managed to ask before the pair stumbled upon Steve and the receptionist exploring each other's mouths with their tongues behind a wall of files. "Oh Steve," Olivia sighed under her breath in disappointment.

"Captain," Peggy snapped after finally coming to her senses "We're ready for you if you're not otherwise occupied." Olivia could tell Peggy was hurt because she struggled to look at him for very long and walked off before she'd finished her own sentence. Steve's panicked eyes shot to Olivia for help but with this one, she was on Peggy's side.

"Agent Carter, wait," Steve followed after her, seemingly unable to catch up with her despite being a super soldier with superhuman speed.

"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all." Peggy mused sarcastically.

"Peggy, that's not what you thought it was." Steve retorted, readjusting his uniform and making himself look presentable again.

"I don't think anything Captain, not one thing." she returned, slowing enough and talking with a tine that suggested she no longer cared and was now unbothered but Olivia knew otherwise as she followed the pair, pretending to have her nose in a file. "You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are; just like all the rest." The comment got to Steve who then opened his mouth when he really should have just kept it shut.

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