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Hey there,

It's been too long, I know I promised only to be away for a month, but I got back from Borneo only to find that my laptop was broken. It's all fixed now and I hope to be able to update at least once a week, I don't want to make any promises though, because I don't want to let anyone down, but I feel like this is going to be a rather hectic few months for me.

Thank you so much for being patient though, and the support, I really hope you all like the book.

Love E xx

Published 16/9/17 at 3:45 p.m.


"Ma, Sir, this is Olivia Evans," Bucky announced greeting his parents, once they had reached his family. Olivia's slightly anxious eyes drifted around the group, stopping on the blond hair that she assumed belong to the famous Steve Rogers, whom she had heard so much about.

"It's lovely to meet you Miss Evans," his mother smiled as brightly as possible, considering the situation. "Call me Rose." She added pulling Olivia in for a hug, not that Olivia was complaining- her son just died so the woman deserved as many hugs as possible.

"George Barnes," Bucky's father offered her a hand which she shook confidently and smiled sensitively.

"I'm so very sorry for your loss, all of you, I really am." She spoke sincerely, making Bucky look fondly at her.

"That's Elsie," He pointed to the short brunette who was the practically the spitting image of her mother, but younger with the same bright, blue eyes as Bucky. "And that is Kane." Kane looked a lot more like Bucky: the blue eyes, the cheeky boyish smile, but he was less sure of himself, gave off a rather clumsy impression, his suit jacket sitting slightly wonky on his shoulders.

"I've heard so much about all of you," she watched Bucky's cheeks heat up red.

"They are all just happy to finally hear about a girl from Bucky himself and not from around the town," The blond, who did not resemble the rest of the group in the slightest, teased his friend "Steve Rogers," he smiled, offering a hand which Olivia gladly accepted. She wasn't sure who she'd been more nervous to meet, Bucky's mother or Steve. He was not an intimidating man, he was physically very approachable due to his small skinny statue, and friendly smile which was a constant grace on his face. However, his reputation with Bucky preceded him in such a way that terrified Olivia, if Steve didn't like her, she would not be with Bucky for very much longer and the thought of living without him now, was too awful to even consider.

"It's great to finally meet you." She admitted.

After exchanging other pleasantries, the group piled into the car; Olivia ended up sat on Bucky's lap in the car and Elsie on Kane's because there hadn't been enough seats. She's rested her head on to Bucky's shoulder and watched the fond interaction between the family. Despite Bucky referring to his father as Sir earlier, this family was not in the slightest bit strict or cold. She was sure if someone did something wrong there would indeed be consequences, but these people were very at ease with each other. All she had known, with her own father, was to be respectful and polite to her elders; maybe because of his days in the army that's just how he was, but seeing the way Bucky's family interacted, she felt for the first time as if family life could be lived other ways- better ways.

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