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Hey guys, just a minor warning that this chapter is a bit explicit as well, I will not apologize for it though because it is a natural expression of love in adult relationships and some people just need to get over themselves.

Sorry not sorry lols.

Love E x

Published 2/5/18 at 3:24 p.m


April came sooner than anyone was expecting. Bucky had still not been called back to serve in the army, so it was just Olivia shoving clothes into a bag. Since moving in, last December, she'd accumulated so much more stuff, mostly from her days out with Elsie, that she actually had to choose what to bring and what to leave behind. She was cursing herself for letting Bucky distract her so easily with sex last night when she'd planned to be packing. He was still asleep, but since she'd left the comfort of their bed, he'd somehow sprawled himself out more, his face buried between their pillows and his gorgeously toned, bare arse on full display to her. He'd been especially touchy and, quite frankly, horny in the last few weeks leading up to her departure. If she was honest, there hadn't been a day when they hadn't had sex in the morning and again before falling asleep. Today was no exception, least of all today. She was not gonna leave without showing him how much she loved him one last time.

She discarded her clothes, or night clothes, and turned Bucky onto his back, stirring him slightly, she kissed down his chest, more confident in her sexual prowess now than when they had sex the first time.

"Let's take a shower," she winked, pulling him by the hand into the bathroom, thankfully Steve wasn't awake yet, so it didn't matter that Bucky was still naked. He locked the door behind him as she turned on the water; once they were both in the shower, he pulled her close to his body. He didn't kiss her or touch her intimately, he didn't grind his body against hers, he just held her to him. Their skin was steaming from the water; they were bare to each other and he just wanted to hold her- they didn't make love that morning they just basked in it. He gently washed the soap suds through her hair and rubbed her body clean with it, just trying to memorise every curve of her body and the way she fit perfectly against him. It was going to be a long few months without her.

Her bags were packed, her uniform packed with extra special care- in any other mission she would have had to wear it, but for this, she was meant to blend in and that meant not parading around in military uniform. She patted down her smart pencil skirt one last time, trying to distract herself from the tears in her eyes. She had to leave again. She had to leave Bucky. After straightening her cardigan in the mirror for the fiftieth time, she welcomed his familiar scent washing over her, as his arms wrapped around her waist from behind. In their reflection she could see his smiling face, looking to the reflection of hers; it killed her to see the pained smile on his face but used his strength to help fuel her own.

"Is it too late to tell you not to go?" he joked gloomily; smashing her heart into pieces. She turned in his arms and buried her face into his shirt, it was a smart shirt. He always dressed so nice; it was one of the things that shocked her most after moving in with him, he was always dressed to his best; she figured it might be what made him so confident in himself.

"Don't let me," she replied, closing her eyes to commit to memory the tingles she got as his breath brushed over her ear and his arms tightened around her.

"I have to." He sighed, holding onto Olivia for just a little while longer.

The worst part was the goodbye at the car; Steve still didn't really know what she did or where she was going, just that she had to leave.

"I'm going to miss you kid." He confessed, hugging her briefly.

"No, you're just going to miss not being the shortest." She grinned, it didn't reach her eyes, but then again, neither did the chuckle that escaped from Steve, as he picked up her bags and put them into the boot of the car.

"I love you, Ace," Bucky mumbled against her lips before kissing her one last time. He didn't close his eyes this time, he wanted to watch her face react to each of the little touches they shared during the kiss.

"I'll always love you, James." She replied, kissing his cheek and getting in the car. She didn't even have a driver, she physically had to leave her behind, herself. The only thing that kept her driving was the reassurance that she'd see them again. In just a few months she'd be back with Bucky and by then, hopefully, the war will be nearing an end.

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