Twenty Four

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We're close to the end of this book now, I have ideas of making a sequel but it will probably be set forward in time but obviously nothing is sticking as a good plot so far. So I will probably finish this book leaving it open to the possibility of a sequel but also viable as a stand alone piece.

This book, honestly, has turned out nothing like I imagined it would when I began writing it. It wasn't supposed to be so focused on the romance of it all but I think it has worked out all right. I just got so caught up in Liv's character and I've really enjoyed developing it.

I want to thank those of you that stuck with my awful lack of consistent updates. I also want to apologise for that but if there is anything to know about me as a person it's that my relationship with deadlines or punctuality is a destructive one.

Thank you again for sticking around and for voting and commenting and showing your support. I hope you have enjoyed the book so far and will continue to enjoy it through the final few chapters

Love E x

Published 15/3/2019 @ 12:08 a.m.


The baby was due late in December of 1944. Liv, knowing their luck, was expecting him to arrive on Christmas. The Howling Commandos were sent home on leave on November the 30th. They arrived back on English soil under the cover of the clouds and the morning darkness the following day. Howard Stark himself flew them back. They touched down on the tarmac and Bucky rushed out of the plane but, once again, Liv was nowhere to be seen. Instead Alice was waiting on them. Bucky's breathing shallowed as he noted the lack of lights, everywhere was pitch black. He knew measures were being taken to stop the Germans dropping bombs on the capitol, but the silent darkness was just as terrifying to a man who spent his days waiting for Hydra to kill him.

"Sargent Barnes, I need you to come with me." She spoke sternly. "Olivia is alive don't worry, but there have been some complications with the birth." Steve's supportive hand on Bucky's shoulder led him to the car Alice came in, but he had no words or thoughts of his own. His head was fuzzy with panic and his breathing erratic.

"What's going on?" He finally managed once they were in the car and speeding down the road towards the SSR office in London. "The baby's not supposed to come yet."

"Buck, you gotta breath pal." Steve reassured him, but even he couldn't mask the concern on his face.

"You can't tell a baby when to come into the world Sargent Barnes. It is nature, and we'd do well to remember its power."

"What do you mean complications?" Bucky questioned after Alice whilst they pulled up outside the facility.

"She went into labour around 9 p.m. last night. Agent Lewis was with her and he tried to take her to a safe place. The elevator though, it got stuck, a bomb hit nearby and all the electricity went out whilst they were inside." The girl led the two men toward the crowd around the lift door as she spoke, the three of them stopping at the front of the group. The large doors that usually hid the sight of the empty elevator shaft was forced open and if they looked down they could see the top of the lift itself.

"Do you mean to say that my wife is in there, giving birth to her first born with no midwife, no assistance and a stranger?" His breathing shallowed again as he grew angry in alarm. This was a side of Bucky that scared even Steve. His protective side was always slightly terrifying. But the rage in his eyes this time- knowing his wife was down there, helpless- not even Steve could calm this. That didn't mean, however, that he wouldn't try.

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