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Hey, here's the next chapter, I've decided to convey a bit of Robbie's personality in this, not directly though because Bucky's still at war and Robbie isn't. This chapter is a bit sad, but i tried to make it not too sad because I don't myself enjoy books that are really sad from the beginning. Obviously there is a bit of sadness in order to create the problem like their is in every story, but to begin with it doesn't need to be sad. I feel like I've said sad too much now; it looks like it's spelled wrong to me now.

Anyways, I'll probably update the next chapter after I wake up because I'm going to try to go to sleep now.

Lots of love

E xx

Published 20/06/17 at 2:36 am


Neither of them spoke the whole journey back to base, mainly because Olivia had quickly fallen asleep from exhaustion, resting against Bucky's arm and clutching his hand loosely. Occasionally her hand would twitch in her sleep, and he would stroke his thumb over the soft skin on the back of her hand to sooth her back into a relaxed state again. Her other hand was clutching the teddy bear she'd won, that had somehow survived the whole mess. Colonel Phillips had sent a car to come and get them, which took two hours to arrive and another two to finally get back to camp.

"Sergeant Barnes I'm going to need you to let go of Nurse Jones now," one of the doctors stated, trying to assist him into a bed. He was told that only he was being admitted to the infirmary because he'd been knocked out in the blast, whereas Olivia had not. "You're going to need to be monitored overnight." He informed Bucky, who simply nodded, despite a voice inside his head willing him to fight to be close to Olivia at all times.

Olivia, however, was quickly stitched up and sent to the USF tent to see Colonel Phillips. She was still in her ripped, blue dress, covered in dirt and muck and blood. She visibly struggled to stand straight to greet her superior because of her wounds.

"No Agent Evans, please sit." He frowned, pulling a chair out for her to sit on- she would have used the term 'collapsed' to describe how she landed in the seat. "We would like to discuss what happened today in Pezenas." He informed her, her eyes flicking cautiously between the groups of her superior officers. "Could you tell us what you remember?"

"There was an unprovoked attack, on a small town fair in Pezenas, by ten German soldiers baring the red skull." She admitted quietly, almost ashamed to even know the truth; still, she held her head high though, mimicking confidence. "I took down nine of them and the last one bit a cyanide pill and died, Sir."

"And Sergeant Barnes?" one of the lieutenant colonels questioned,

"He was knocked unconscious in the initial blast Sir."

"No, I mean did he see you in action?" the lieutenant colonel corrected.

"No Sir, I don't believe so. He appeared to be only regaining consciousness as I returned to him after the soldiers were dealt with." Olivia looked down, remembering how worried she'd been when Bucky had flown out of her grasp and again when he had looked so dead beneath the hedge.

"Were you the only ones from this camp down there?" Another asked. They'd seemed to form a semi-circle around her, all looking down intimidatingly as she was the only one sitting.

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