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Hey, so it's 00:59 in the morning here and I decided, for some reason, that now is a good time to post the next chapter. This one is pretty exciting I think; some of you may believe I'm rushing into things, but this is the story of a relationship that has to fight through impossible times, it's not really the story of a budding romance; so I can't dwell to much on the baby steps of the relationship.

Anyways, it's was nice to chat, I hope you like this chapter; let me know your thoughts in the comments on whether you think things are happening too fast.

Love E xx


After that night, Bucky accepted Olivia's offer for friendship. She was easy to be friends with, she was funny and smart, and wasn't afraid of her own mind. Even though he'd agreed to keep their relationship platonic, Bucky couldn't help himself from flirting shamelessly with her- she always just brushed it off as part of his cheeky personality. She found herself all too often in the company of the Sergeant over the next few weeks. Troops were in and out of the base like a flash flood; yet Bucky remained. H is squad only going away on short missions somehow- they were never gone for more than a week.

"Ace, get your head out of that book and talk to me." Bucky greeted her one evening, she'd found a peaceful spot near the edge of the camp with a good view of the sunset; she was actually reading a file, she'd just disguised it in a book. She couldn't get her head around the file Howard had given her when he left, over a month ago now.

Subject X will be injected with the finalized serum and to fasten the pace of the reaction, he is to be saturated in a vita ray chamber. Post saturation, Subject X will be classified as a 'Super Soldier. The experiment aims to provide and army of super soldiers to be sent against the German front in order to bring an end to the war...

"Earth to Olivia," Bucky called to her again, the use of her real name snatched her attention immediately.

"Bucky, we've talked about this." She huffed a little at his complete disregard of her current alias. Settling her book down beside her on the rock where she'd sat down, she turned to the man beside her who had his trademark grin plastered across his lips, giving him a look which lacked the amusement he was hoping for.

"Tell me again," he smirked at her frustration. He often teased her with his knowledge of her real name just to annoy her.

"If you're just here to irritate me then please leave because I lost fourteen soldiers today and I really don't want to..." Olivia blurted before finding herself unable to finish her sentence as her breathing grew rapidly unsteady. The amount of death she'd seen in such a short space of time was really getting to her. Usually, she could separate herself from it all, but recently it had gotten too much to just compartmentalize.

"Alright, Ace, it's okay." Bucky frowned, wrapping a comforting arm around her and pulling her small frame close to him. "It's gonna be okay."

"We lost Olsen." She whispered. She let a single tear fall before collecting herself. "He died Bucky," she pulled away from him and turned her back to him. Her voice was quiet and remorseful. "He died on my table."

"Don't do this, don't shut me out, Doll." He tried again to console her, wrapping her up in his strong arms from behind, not forcing her to face him, he was just trying to be there for her.

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