Chapter 2: Got kidnapped!?

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Yeah I know yesterday I was supposed to update okay I was too tired okay! Anywho let's get to the story!

America's pov:

I and Russia we're heading to his house because he has a private jet witch is badass. He so cute when he is asleep! Oh, he is waking up look away!"американский Мы уже на месте?" He said I didn't know what he was saying but he said America I think?" Sorry, forgot you don't speak Russia." he said with a smile on his face " It means are we there yet?" he said started to laughing I started to blush I was embarrassed " Then I won't say then!" I stick out my tongue out at him and crossed my arms and looked away! " America tell or else !" He tried to be intimidating but all it was doing was turning me on damn he is good! "Fine, the pilot said two more hours we will be there!" I was turned away from him and looked down at the clouds." Thanks, America for telling you to know you actually act really cute!" Did he just call me c-cute whatever this doesn't mean I care right!

-Ahem 2 hours later-~Author~chan approves ~~T_T~

Russia 's pov:

We get in my house a good thing my sisters are gone for 2 whole months!
America was all ways of acting tsundere. He's acting cute ever since we got on the plane hell even when we're at the world meeting! Maybe I mean he is upstairs he said he wanted Pepsi maybe if I added a little sleepiness." oh hey America your Pepsi is ready and hope you like it!" I smiled and gave him his drink.After chugging it down he fell asleep good that makes it easy to do this thing. I went to my room and tight him to my bed and a little while he woke up" Good morning America!" I laughed he is mine and "what the hell is going on?!" He said with a terrified look on his face. I finally did it he was scared for the first time! " American I'm going to F *** ты бессмыслен!" I said to America and then..................

Finally, I did it! You can look it up! If you know what I am thinking!≧﹏≦(*¯¯*)(=^-ω-^=)
So yeah you're welcome!
<( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) (ˇ)

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