Chapter 12: meeting my family!

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So umm no note because I read fanfic! So yeah no comment! Play song whenever! To the story!

                    Russia's pov:

I'm so happy that me and Alfred are back together again. He wants me to meet all his family England ,France , and brother Canada. " hey Ivan don't be like that ! Please I want everyone in my family to know!" He was acting to cute damn I'm weak to his cuteness . " fine invite your brothers and I'll TRY to get along with them!" I really don't like Alfred's family but for him I will do anything so if it means meeting my sunflowers family I'll do it ! " Ivan there going to be here in an hour! Please be nice babe!" He changing into

 " fine invite your brothers and I'll TRY to get along with them!" I really don't like Alfred's family but for him I will do anything so if it means meeting my sunflowers family I'll do it ! " Ivan there going to be here in an hour! Please be nice...

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If his family wasn't coming I would have fucked him right here right now!
I  heard a knock on my door. " hello asshole !" England said that pissed me off " Hey Russia!" Canada said with a small smile " bonjour Russia how are you doing?" France said to me with a smirk " Good and how about you?" I said with a regular smile "I just fine!" He said walking into the living room " so umm I want you guys to meet my boyfriend Ivan!" They all look at me with a blank stare except Canada wasn't surprised at all he new .

                   England's pov:

" no your serious right !?" I can't believe it there dating I though that Russia was blackmailing America!But he is dating that good for nothing son of it!" Well America we are happy for you! "France  said with his perv look" thanks France." Russia said ohhh he piss me off!

                   France's pov:

I am so happy for my little brother America he really loves Russia! Me and Russia we're talking about how much he love my little brother! How cute after we talk he went to talk to England they we're talking and fighting at the same time America  hugged Ivan and I held England so they don't start punching the shit out each other.

                    America's pov:

My family got along with my boyfriend nicely but except England he doesn't like that I'm dating Ivan! everyone left we said all are goodbyes. " Alfred Now that we're alone...." he was rapping his arms around  my waist " Ivan!" I said with a smile on my face " how about some fun Alfred?" He said kissing my neck " okay but bed room now!" "Fine with me!" He said picking me up Bridle style to the bedroom!

After a little sexy time!

God damn that felt soooooo good! " goodnight babe!" " goodnight sunflower." He said kissing me  four head and rapping his arms around my waist!

Yeah finished it today so hope you enjoyed sorry for the short storyline lately just kind of lazy!
So yeah bye my beautiful people!

Piper just....fell asleep!
<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>

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