Chapter 18: Wedding day >3<

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OMG just so happy I think I'm crying they grow up to fast*start to cry* my wahhhhh baby they up to fast* wipes tires away* so yeah let's get to this!

Russia's pov:

Today was the day that me and America become one happy country! When we got up Alfred was going down stairs to see my sisters and America's family were planning everything they know what we like! Alfred started to cry I grab him and held him " honey today is the day." I smiled "I know this is special event! "he said looking in my eyes I wipe his tears and kissed his head since I'm taller "Russia we got everything up all the countrys are coming to the wedding ! But the location is in America's hometown boating area!" England said !

For all of my fans sake Le time skip to America's hometown boating area and everyone is there!

America's pov :

I was getting ready Russia's sisters were helping me in a dress I never felt so happy in my life because of Ivan I found happiness! We were all ready I started to walk down the aisle England was tearing up " Alfred you grown up to fast it feels like you were a small country yesterday!" He said whispering to me he hand me off to the man of my dreams! ( skip all the pastor bullshit to the last part)" Alfred f jones do you take Ivan braginski to be your wedded husband?" I smiled " I do!" The pastor spoke once more "Ivan braginski do you take Alfred f. Jones to be your wedded husband?" He smiled with a warm heart " da yes I do!" He looked at me " may we have the rings ." Matt brought to rings up I put on Ivan's ring and he puts on my ring " you may now kiss the groom !" Ivan dipped me and kissed me I kissed back we hear awwws and eww it was funny lift me back up and everyone clapped for us. We held hands and walk off I thrown the flowers and I see it landed on Matt I laughed my little brother is adorable Matt blush Prussia came besides him and looked at Prussia and blushed even more everyone said " awww" lol have fun little brother!

Le time skip to the party!

America's pov :

A good song came on me and the other start to dance!

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

Ivan grabs me and we play around and sing the song together !

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard
We can go
No one will know
Oh c'mon girl

Who cares if we're trashed
Got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of Patron
And it's on girl

Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bell sing like ooh
So what you wanna do
Lets just run girl
If we wake up and you want to break up
That's cool
No I won't blame you
It was fun girl

Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

England gave me a position and said " Here America I know you wanted to have children with him so here!" He gave me he was  pouty "thanks England thank you for everything! "
Everyone said the goodbyes me and Ivan fly off to Hawaii!

To be continue........
Any who see you my beautiful people!!!!

Piper god dammit stop drinking happiness!FUCK! ( ̄ε(#)

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