Chapter 8: World meeting!

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So like I promise I would do three so yeah!
Reader~senpai: lazy ass!
Me: senpai I am sorry plz don't hate me!
Reader~senpai: I won't hate you if make MORE STORY!
Me: okay okay senpai! Anywho on story !

Russia's pov:

Me and America were getting ready. I am really happy that we live together." Alfred are you ready yet?"I said with a big smile I was still getting used to calling him his first name." yeah I'm good the hero has come to save the day!" He was laughing I laughed too it was cute. I lifted him off the ground and carried him to the helicopter like were a newly wedded together it was cute Alfred was blushing he so adorable.

Le time skip to world meeting place!

America's pov:

It's weird because when me and Russia arrived were the last there every one was looking at me and Russia witch is know so what normal
" Where have been America? And why are you with Russia no offense Russia!" Canada came up to me and hug me I hugged back he had a worried expression on his face "None taken."he was smiling very evilly smile Canada was getting scared " look my plane and helicopters were down and he was the one that popped in my mind first so I ask he said it was okay!" I said with a smile on my face " Okay can we get this over with." Russia was looking at me want to blush but I can't tell anyone where dating or show !

Le time skip to home of Russia!

               Normal pov :

Russia and America got home and took off her clothes and sat down on the couch watching TV didn't do much after that but Russia said "did you have a fun day? "He said with a smile on his face "I didn't The meeting was very boring and we didn't do much there to talk about boring things!" He looks very happy but one thing was still standing Russia had  lot of things on his mind!

Bam bitches I'm done! So I hope you like the story blah blah blah bullshit bullshit ! Bye my beautiful people!

~Piper has left the building~ (^ω^)

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