Chapter 19: honeymoon∩__∩

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So yeah! To the.......story?meh!

       Russia's pov:

Oh Alfred the things I would do to you as he was playing volleyball with some other married couples two lesbian couples two gay couples three regular couples America looked like he was having fun! I wish he would have fun in bed with me right now!  "Ivan come on  let's go eat! " he ran up to me and trip on me laying on top on me " Then we can go to the roller coasters and relax in the hotel!!"I smiled at him as we wave and said our goodbyes Alfred held my hand " honey when we get back to our room..... can we try..." Alfred  whispered in my ear " you want to have sex right?" he blush at the thought of it I kissed him on his cheek . We head to the food bar "Ivan Thanks for everything and I'm glad we're married! " he said with a big smile on his cute adorable face of his I kissed him on his head"I would risk my life for your!"[god dammit heathers!] Is it wrong to fuck someone in front of other people? I think it is when has that stop me! " Ivan let's go on the love roller coaster please?" He begged with puppy eyes plus we to kiss why would I stop that!? " sure let's go!"we went on the tunnel of love my favorite it was us alone Alfred got closer to me I kissed him he looked up at me with a huge blush on his face! We started to kissing and make out with each other as the ride was slowly coming to the exit Alfred and I broke our kiss he was flush red. We got of the ride Alfred pulled me up to him and whispered " see you in the hotel I'll wait for you!" Alfred said running back to are hotel I stand there blushing damn him I walk back to are room unlock my room door and see Alfred

 We got of the ride Alfred pulled me up to him and whispered " see you in the hotel I'll wait for you!" Alfred said running back to are hotel I stand  there blushing damn him I walk back to are room unlock my room door and see Alfred

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Cutest thing in the fucking state Alfred said to me " Come fuck me already!" He said with a heated face!

America's pov:

I drank that potion that can get me pregnant! I really want children with him! It makes me very happy plus the process for me to get pregnant takes two hole months so by the second month I should be pregnant!
Ivan climbed on top of me we started to gently kissing he grabbed my hair making me moan in the kiss his tongue dominating my tongue my hole mouth! Ivan moving his hands taking off his clothes leaving him ass naked Ivan took off my little bear ears and apron off! He looked very extremely excited he licked my my nipples( okay sorry I- just call them nips piper. You can do it me this is the last sex scene come on! Author~chan is have technical difficulties/ on with the story!)Ivan put two fingers at my entrance hitting my prostate making me moan twice as loud" Alfred I can't hold back!" He took out his fingers and shoved his big hard cock in my small hole I moan so loud Ivan grunted each time he thrusted my ass I felt to cum Ivan then went faster on me he thrusts twice as harder! I cum all over my self Ivan cam in my ass filling it to it's peek Ivan then shoved his dick back into my ass very hard making the cum oozes out of my ass it felt amazing! He hit my prostate so many times I cam again! Ivan then cam in my ass once again I felt each pump all his cum filling my ass. " Ivan we have a lot to clean!" I said with a pouty tone and with that I held to the shower get so of the cum out but it was far up in my hole it's like my ass absorbed it weird but okay I cleaned myself up. I got out and got dressed I see Ivan has clean the bed he went in the shower. I heard the faucet turn off he came out of the bathroom he got into bed and rapped his arms around me we fell asleep together.

Sorry for not updating Friday I need three days to come up with ideas okay! So hope you enjoyed! And I'll see you my beautiful people later!

Piper just sat down and said "fuck the building!"
(≧◇≦)ㄏ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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