Chapter 4:Falling love!

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So decided to update more so yeah a lot of shit going on in my life so summer is technical a bitch!so updating is going to be faster I will update 2chapters each time soon yeah! Fuck everything that is holy and to the fucking story! yeah!

       America's pov:

After being slapped in by Russia the other day! I'm just a little nervous I mean Russia is an asshole but he seems sweet when I said I liked him but I think I-I l-love him." Good morning America! I see that you are standing okay!" He was smiling I started blushing at what he said: "yeah I am fine...hey Russia do you umm want to take a shower with me?"I started to blush and looked away. Russia came up to me and grab my hip and held my face closer to mine and whispered in my ear and said:" sure America and then I put the rules down so you know who's daddy around here!" Russia left my front side and left me with a red as a tomato as I heard the water run. I got in the shower with Russia "America how about I tell you the rules while we're taking a shower!" He was smiling at me and grabbed my waist and held me against him and whispered in my ear" America rule one only when I ask you or if world meeting comes up you are not allowed to leave the house! Understand?" he started leaving more hickeys on my neck where it was visible " Rule two you do what I say and expect no disrespect America !" He started to move his hands all over my body I'm starting to get excited " Rule three whenever I am busy you do what I want!" He started to move his hand near my entrance " Rule four I'm the master in this house and you bow to my command or else but you don't listen to anyone !that means my sisters, your brothers,  the other country, and even our bosses!" he put three fingers in my entrance and getting the cum out of my hole!"Rule number five if you try anything with me you will have punishment da?" He shoves his finger in and out getting all the cum out. We both got out of the shower. He kissed me on the cheek of my face." America let get something to eat!"

Skip to were they after eating


                     Russia's pov:

America and I were putting on our shoes " America you sure you want to go out? It's freezing and if you get sick I won't forgive you!" I looked worried " Russia I'm sure plus I want to discover every part of your country. Even if it means going to Snow land! Plus we can have fun together as you want! And plus I have you if anything!" America damn you for being cute " fine let's go out then!" I was worried about my little sunflower he means everything to me!" America be careful-" America fell in a ditch I slid down " America are you okay?" I won't let anything happen to him not now not ever "America is there?" Boo!" " ah hey !" Sorry to scare you were just too easy!" America apologizes to me now!" " Okay, okay, sorry Ivan !" he used my real name I blushed for the very first time" you're forgiven!" I never thought he would use my real!

Le time skip to cuddling time

                     America's pov:

I think I am falling in love with Russia but why I mean I thought at first that love was just because I wanted him to fuck me but now that we had sex it's different! I really love him! We just lay down drinking hot cocoa and cuddling in the blankets!" Thanks, Russia!" I said with a smile " no problem Alfred!" He said as we cuddle!

I think I am falling in love with Russia but why I mean I thought at first that love was just because I wanted him to fuck me but now that we had sex it's different! I really love him! We just lay down drinking hot cocoa and cuddling in the blanke...

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Finished bitches! Anywho hope you like it what the fuck ever! I'm going to sleep bye, you beautiful people! So yeah!

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