Chapter 20: pregnant ?!

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Aaaaaahhhhh finally finishing this and moving on with more ships! I will probably update the last chapters today!  So yeah let's get to it!

       Russia's pov:

It's been two hole months since we got off the island of Hawaii. Alfred has been getting nausea,pees a lot, eats more then usual and he doesn't eat certain food. I started to worry so I took Alfred to the doctors " so what is wrong with his mrs. Rodriguez?" (okay I couldn't think so Rodriguez pop in my head if  have that last name cool) She look at me and said " well I don't think this ever happened to a male patient but....." she had on a smile " your husband is pregnant with twins!" I had the biggest smile on earth " I'm a father...I'M A FATHER !Alfred how ?" Alfred was smiling " I'll tell you later!"when we got home from the doctors he explained everything I was excited to be a father I ran upstairs to tell my sisters they were so happy they ran downstairs with me Alfred then re-explained how it happened to my sisters " and that is how it happened so we're going to have twins both girls !" He said with a chipper tone my sisters screamed! I was happy my self! Me and Alfred are going to have children running around here " wait we're going to have to baby proof everything!"Ukraine said to us " how about Ukraine and Russia go buy the things you need and me and America stay here okay go team!" Belarus said with smile. Ukraine and me went out to go buy stuff!

America's pov:

I'm so happy that we're having twins ! I'm so happy " hey America are you really ready to be a mother?" she look at me waiting for my answer.I'm a mother dammit but I'm okay with it! " Yes of course I am if I need help I have Ivan! plus I have you and Ukraine!  Now you two are going to be auntie and my brothers are now going to be uncles!" I smiled at her " That's true I get to be an aunt and my sister too!" She smiled " let's get you comfortable for those little balls of joy in your stomach!" She helped me get comfortable.

After hours of shopping and baby proofing Russia finally went to the room to huge his wife or husband! However you want to say it!

Russia's pov :

I wake upstairs to see Alfred was crying I walk up to him " Alfred are you okay ?" He had his glasses off crying " yeah it's just.... I'm overly happy!" I went up and hugged him" hey let's get some sleep I'm tired let's get you to bed." I said as I rapped my arms around him we fell asleep.

I don't give a fuck if I misspelled something in this book okay so don't bitch about okay? Okay! Well see you my beautiful people in the next chapter!

Piper is bitch slap someone! God dammit!( ̄ε(#)( lol future you dose care so I'm here to edit!)

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