Chapter 10: missing you!

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So don't ask were I have been okay? Okay! It's been a while okay tired as fuck but here you go two chapter coming to you okay!so yeah let's a go!

America's pov :

I miss Russia! I mean this is are first fight ever ! I'm the hero in are relationship and he is my lover in the comic books I'm super man and he is my batman! You get the point I just want him to hold me in his crushing arms and I miss that we lay together on the couch I really wish we didn't have a stupid fight! But no one bad talks my family! I just wish he would understand but he doesn't want to. I miss him so much I was sitting in the guest's room of Matthew's houses I glad he understands! I started to walk down stairs and I sit on his couch matt was out hanging with Francisco. I sit and watch tv and cuddle up to the blanket and watch Titanic good movie but sad. I sit there and relax trying to forget him but he pops into my head each time when I trying to stop thinking about him!

Russia's pov:

It's been three months since he slapped me and ran off !I still can't believe he slapped me and ran off! It's hard with out him here I wish he would stop playing games with my heart America I wish you understand my family are not weird but you can't everyone I love ends up running away . I can't live without my little sunflower he is important to me. What I like about him is when he is scared he grabs me for comfort, that he likes to cuddle, he sleeps with me , we make breakfast together, we take showers together, we play in the snow together, and we do a bunch of things together! I told my sisters that we got into to a little fight there not happy that I'm dating America but they understand so there okay with it . I can't stand it I need to find my little sunflower!

Fuck you the people said I couldn't write for shit look at me know bitch I am writing! Anywho how are you beautiful people? How was your day? What? Can't I ask a fucking question. Anywho see you in the next chapter my beautiful people!

Piper said " fuck the building!"
☆ミ ☆彡(^ω^)

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