Chapter 21: having children NOW!?

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So yeah bye!

America's pov :

It's been nine months Ivan me been dealing with meetings I just said I got fat when I'm actually pregnant! " Alfred I know you need to control your bladder a bit better." I screamed and dropped my plastic cup of water " Alfred what's wrong?!" He helps me up " the baby's coming!" I screamed in pain " Right now?!" He looked at me worried " Yes Ivan now!" I screamed in more pain Ivan got me out of the living room and into the helicopter " To the hospital NOW !" Ivan said looking at me " Alfred breath in and out ." He said in a calm voice helicopter stopped " we're here sir!"
Ivan rushed downstairs " we need a doctor now!" Bunch of nurses ran out grabbed me got me to the hospital bed.

Hours later of pushing the baby's in our world!

                       Russia's pov:

I saw America Alfred with are girls " hey Alfred what did you name them?" He looked at me with his smile " Winter because you were born in the winter and summer because I was born in the summer." (I really don't know that so yeah)He said I smiled I grabbed one of the girls "hello winter!" Alfred laughed " that's summer!"I blushed in embarrassment " hello summer I'm your dad and you just saw your mother!" I said letting her suck on my thumb this was the life for me!

Yeah done next chapter! see you, my beautiful people!

Piper is......God 🖕! o

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