Chapter 17: The marriage proposal !

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So ummmm forgot to do a story line sorry finally finished season 2 of voltron holy shit Keith is half human oh shit! Can't wait for season 3! What I don't have Netflix!Okay so Yeah to the story!!!!

Russia's pov:

Today is the day propose to him but I want to spend the day with him. Then take him to the beach to propose to him!" Alfred you ready for breakfast my sunflower?" He and grabbed my arm " yeah where do wanna eat?"I thought we could to his home to see his hometown and propose to him there!"Alfred how about we go to America to see your hometown and eat breakfast there?"

Le time skip to America's hometown? Yeah!

America's pov:

Man it feels awesome to be home with Ivan." Thank you babe for taking me home !" I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him " Anything for my sunflower!" Ivan blush little bit of red we went to McDonald to eat breakfast for first time I missed it Ivan has been keeping me on a diet and it taste like regular food but it's diet food just less calories! I'm glad he helped me with my diet! We finished eating and he grabbed my hand two bodyguards appeared in front of us " sir Russia we are ready to escort you and your boyfriend to pacific play-land sir." { if you don't know where that's from Zombieland funny as hell!}" Ivan you are the best! How did you know I wanted to go there?" I kissed him and hugged him tight " France told me that you always wanted to come here so I planned to come here with you my sunflower!" He kissed back " Now are we going to sit here and make out I would like that or have fun!" He smile without forcing himself " let's have fun!" The first thing we did was all the roller coasters and then we hit all the water rides I laughed because when I go on roller coasters the wind tickles my stomach! " today was awesome Ivan thank you for every thing !" I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling I was overwhelmed with happiness I could cry! " well Alfred hope you have swimming trunks on we are going to the beach to end the beautiful summer night." He said with a small smile on his face. We were at the beach the bodyguards left us alone for a little bit the moon was shining down on ocean it looks really beautiful but then saw Ivan getting down on one knee and pull out a little box he open it and said " Alfred F jones will you do me the favor and marry me?" He said with a huge blush his face! I walked away he had a sad  expression on his face and closed the box and stranded up I ran into him making him fumble and said " Hell yes I will marry you !" He smiled and said " why did you walk away then?" I had a big smile and started to cry " Because *sobs* I w- want a dramatic* wipes snot* run!" I started to cry I was to happy"That's cute but please don't try that in the future please. Why are you crying?" I love him so much it feels so nice to be by someone you love" It's because you did all t-t-this for me." I started to calm done and laugh " I love you Ivan!" I kissed his lips " I love you too Alfred!" We got back to the helicopter I fell asleep on the way back home.

Russia's pov:

We got back home I carried him to the bedroom. When we got there I undressed him and put his pajamas on and did the same for me I text my sisters

R: hey you two he said yes !
U: don't worry we got everything together!
B:leave it to us big brother!

The conversation ended I charged my phone and held my precious sunflower and then fell asleep!

Fucking done yeah so yesterday I was  supposed to update but I had to now in season 2 of  Voltron  what would happen! I don't have Netflix but google is my secondary! Any who gives me no excuse to not update!bye my beautiful people!

Piper pass out drunk again god dammit!( ̄ε(#)

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