Chapter One

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*Amelia's POV*
Adoption...if you ask me it can be the worst thing in the world. Of course I'm grateful but the fact that I don't know where my real parents are makes me the bullies' prime target at school.

I must tell you something though. The strangest things have been happening to me since I turned 19, 6 months ago. I keep having these little visions where a group of boys, who look about the same age as me, with pearl white wings and kind looking faces keep talking to me.

The thing is though I don't know who they are. Which is creepy in itself....

Not only that I keep having something which is even more creepy and scary. Ever since tunred 19 I've also been having the same nightmare every night.

In the nightmare a man with a dark expression and extremely dark wings keeps asking me to join him and rule the world with him or he will hurt my adoption family.

The first time I had this nightmare the next morning I told my family and they said it was nothing. So I brushed it off like they did but as time progressed, they became progressively worse so I told my family again last week and they suggested that I see a sleep therapist, but I just refused and said that it will eventually disappear.

Monday morning:
It's 6:30am and my school alarm keeps ringing and ringing.

"Ugh,shut up and let me sleep!" I hit the snooze button so I can go back to sleep but my adoption eomma comes in and shouts in my ear...


"Just 5 more minutes! Please eomma!"

"Nope get up lazy bones!"

"Ugh fine!" I groan, annoyed.

I get up once she leaves the room and groggily walk over to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I take a long warm shower, and dry my hair once I'm out.

I head to my wardrobe and pick out a cute oversized hoodie, with black denim shorts and my Timberlands. I shove my hair in a messy bun because I like to feel comfortable. I never bother to put on any makeup since i dont like the way it feels on my skin, I only ever wear it if I'm going out.

I grab my bag and ran down stairs to the kitchen to say goodbye to my adoption family.

"See you all tonight" I said while giving them a warm hug.

"Amelia!" I turned to see my appa throw me a apple and hug me tightly while saying "Be careful going to school and have a good day"he says, smiling at me.

'Have a good day' he says. Yeah I will have a good day being bullied again.

I hug him back "Yes appa, have a good day at work" he lets me go and I head to the front door.

"See you all tonight, love you!" I step outside and head to school, dreading what's going to happen once I'm there since no one has seen me in 5 weeks, not even my best friend.

*??? POV*
"Hyung, she's leaving!"

"Yes I know Jungkook. Let's follow her to school and watch if anything happens"

"Wait hyung how did you know she is being bullied anyway?"

"Jungkook you pabo! Did you forget Taehyung's power?" I looked at Taehyung and he just showed me his box smile.

"Oh yeah I forgot..."

"Yah!Maknae! Get back here!"

I ran away from Taehyung until we was both out of breath and we headed back to the hyungs.

"But Namjoon hyung how are we going to interact with her? She can't see us remember?" Jimin hyung said. "Don't you remember what Jungkook said, you know what the Queen told him...?"

*Flashback to 2 years ago*
*Jungkook's pov*
"Okay Jungkook?Can you do that with your members for me?"

"Yes your majesty" I say bowing down 90° in front of her.

"Okay you may be dismissed, go as soon as possible please." She replies with a warm smile.

"Yes your majesty" I stood up in front of the Queen and started heading for the door until it hit me. I turned back round to face her, confused.

"But your majesty, how will we know what she looks like?"

"By Taehyung's power. Only if he's concentrating, will you be able to find her" she smiled.

"Yes your majesty, please excuse me" I gave the Queen a bright smile and she smiled back.

I headed out the door and saw my hyungs in the corridor since the Queen only asked for me.

"Well? What did she say?" Jimin hyung asked me.


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