Chapter Eleven

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*Jungkook POV*
"What are you all doing?!"Taehyung-hyung shouted so loud.

It had gotten everyones attention...

"Well what's it look like we're doing? We're teaching this bitch some manners and teaching her not to lie" Jihyo looked at us with a blank face.

"Well you best stop right now".

I turned to Jimin-hyung and well...if looks could kill, Jihyo would be dead right now.

Jihyo smirked at him "And what you going to do if I don't shortie?"

I saw Jimin-hyung getting more angry by the minute and saw parts of his wings slowly appearing.

He walked forward super slow and was death glaring everyone who was hurting the Princess.

Then it clicked in my head. I quickly looked at Taehyung-hyung and we both walked up to Jimin-hyung. We tried to hold him back from doing something he'll regret but he kept resisting us.

See the thing is with Jimin-hyung...when people hurt those close to him, he ends up changing completely and he gets into a mindset where he'll kill those people for hurting those close to him.

But if he goes through with something like this, he will be banished from the Angel Kingdom forever and won't be able to return. So that's why me and my hyungs have to try and calm him down before he does it.

"Jiminnie, calm down. Do you think the Queen would approve of this?" Taehyung-hyung whispered gently to him.

We felt him relax a little.

"No, she wouldn't" he replied with a sigh.

We released him from our grip and we saw his wings fade away. We all just stared at the Princess...

There was blood everywhere. Her body was covered with bruises. Her clothes had been ripped. Her hair was messy. All her stuff from inside her locker was all over the floor.

"Oh my, what's going on?"

We all turned to see who's voice it was.


"What happened?" She questioned with wide eyes. I saw her staring at the Princess and then at Jihyo.

"Jihyo, did you do this?.." she questioned.

Jihyo just smirked and nodded.

Rosé went quiet.

"Well... congratulations. Well done Jihyo!" She smiled to Jihyo.

My heart stopped.

"Wait...what? Rosé?..." Jimin-hyung was shocked. "You knew about this?"

Rosé smirked "Well of course. I asked Jihyo to do this".

Everyone was silent.

"You planned this?" Jimin-hyung asked bitterly.

"Of course. You actually thought I was Amelia's best friend? Please. I was using her. She's a tramp who has no birth parents".

This made my blood boil.

How? How could she do this? To her own best friend aswell?


My eyes widened. This is bad...

*Amelia POV*

I was heartbroken. What I just heard hit me hard.

"Why?...Why did you do this to me?" tears welled up in my eyes. Anger rose within me.

"What you actually thought that I cared and that you were my best friend?" Rosé smirked at me, her eyes dark. "Sorry to break it to you but I used you. Your just an ugly little tramp that no one wants. That's probably why your birth parents gave you away. I bet it was a sin for your adoption eomma and appa to take you in".

At this point the tears flowed down my face. The anger was making me boil. Maybe she's right. I haven't even met my birth parents all my life. They must be ashamed of me. After all who wouldn't be?

I felt something burning within me.

"Well now you know the truth I'm going with my real best friend. Bye tramp, enjoy being alone" Rosé smiled at me.

With that, her, Jihyo, and everyone else left apart from Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook oppa.

Then I felt the burning on my hand.

I looked down at my hand and my eyes widened. Something black was circling my hand. Then it hit me...

Before when I went to the beach with Jimin oppa and the others, when them guys with black wings were talking and harassing me, one of them burnt my stomach with this black stuff.

Very slowly it was growing in size and all of a sudden it shot out of my hand, down the hallway and hit Jihyo and Rosé on their heads.

They both fell to the floor, unconscious.

I just stared at them both, shocked.

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