Chapter Three

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*Jungkook's POV*
"We need to tell her everything and take her back home before things get worse"...

My hyungs just stared at me while I let out a long sigh.

"Alright. Shall we all gather at the coffee shop near our house to talk about how we will approach her?" Namjoon asked us all.

"Sure, let's meet at 6:00pm" Hobi hyung replied.

We all agreed and walked out of the school doors and headed home to eat before we head to the coffee shop.

One thing that bothered me, was that Jimin was in deep thought. His face was a slight shade of pink too.

"Hyung? What's wrong? Are you sick?" I asked a little concerned.

He turned to me shocked, it looks like I disturbed his thought. "Nothing, I'm fine Kookie, don't worry" he flashed me a small smile before he walks up to meet the others.

I shrugged it off and and walked home with my hyungs.

*Amelia's POV*
I didn't bother going into my other lessons. I just sat in the toilet stall and just sat there thinking about my real parents and why they gave me up for adoption. I was really interested on why I was adopted and the thought kind of hurt me.

Once the bell had rang to indicate that it was the end of the day, I walked out of the school gate until I heard my name being called.

I turned to see who it was and it was Rosé, running towards me.

"Amelia, come to the coffee shop just off main street with me tonight!" She said, beaming.

"Alright then, what time do you want to meet?" I replied with a small smile.

"Erm, what about 5:00pm?"

"Yeah sure, see you soon!" I gave her a big hug and rushed home.

I quickly opened the door, took off my shoes and coat and went into the kitchen to find my Eomma cooking.

"Eomma, do you mind if I go to the coffee shop with Rosé in an hour?"

"No sweetie, that's fine. Just be back for 7:00 though, were having beef bulgogi for dinner. Alright?"

"Yes Eomma, thank you!" I ran to her and gave her a big hug before running upstairs.

I got a super quick shower and chose a cute outfit consisting of some black jeans and a pretty blouse with some simple flats on my feet. I curled my hair and put on makeup but it was very subtle. I picked up my earphones, my phone and my purse and walked out the house to the bus stop so that I can get to the coffee shop.

*At the bus stop*
I put my earphones in and listened to music while waiting for the bus to arrive.

I was jamming to the music and singing along until I got another vision. This time it was a really strong one.

*In the vision*
I saw the same group of guys from before. They were still looking really gentle and kind. Their wings still amazed me.

They somehow shined goldish-white, in the sunlight. They looked a bit different from the last time I had a vision.

I was taken aback when they said"We're closer then you may think..."

*End of vision*
My head was killing after I saw the vision. It hurt so bad that I turned off the music on my phone, put my phone in my purse and just stood waiting for the bus.

The headache was really bad now that I actually fell on the floor with my hand on my head.

After 5 minutes the headache subsided and I stood up again feeling completely fine, which I found a little strange.

The bus turned up out of the blue and once I had paid, I went and sat on the back seat while staring out of the window.

I suddenly began to think about what the guys in my vision said "We are closer then you may think"...

I was so confused...

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