Chapter Six

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*Jimin's POV*
We came back from the coffee shop about 2 hours ago and we was all playing Mario Kart, under Jin hyung's whines.

"3 of us should head to school tomorrow" Taehyung suddenly spoke out while still immersed in the game.

I stopped playing the game and looked at all my hyungs before I looked at him confused but he was still immersed in the game.

"Why? What do we have to go to school for?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung was still playing the game before saying "Because I just got a vision".

All of us apart from Taehyung looked at each other with wide eyes.

"WHAT?!" I yelled making Taehyung immediately jumped from our sudden yelling and turned to us with a worried face.

"What, what did I do?" He asked us.

"What did the vision show Taehyungie?" Jin asked him with a concerned look on his face.

I saw Taehyung's face turn serious. "It showed Amelia being taken by some Devil warriors and it was her birthday or something I think"

"Omo! How about you, Jungkook and Jimin head to school tomorrow?" Namjoon hyung said to us.

We all nodded, stopped playing Mario Kart and started getting our stuff together for school tomorrow.

*Next day*
*Amelias POV*
I heard my alarm go off several times before I actually got out of bed. I did my morning routine.

I looked into my wardrobe for an outfit until I chose a really cute one. I put my hair in two really cute, messy buns, I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs.

I was greeted by my oppa once I was downstairs. "Good morning Amelia! Eomma, Appa and unnie went out somewhere" He smiled at me.

"Good morning oppa. Oh? Where did they go?" I asked him.

"Can't tell you" he winked at me and I just laughed slightly and we went into the kitchen.

"Oppa what are you making?"

"Your breakfast" he grinned.

"What is it?!" I asked eagerly.

"Your favourite, Pancakes!" He said giving me a huge smile.

I grinned widely "Thanks oppa!"

After about 5 minutes of him cooking them for me, he placed them on the table and I started eating them. They tasted so good! I love oppas food!

"So Amelia, what are you going to do for your birthday? Have you decided yet?" He asked me while waiting for my answer.

"No not yet oppa" I could see the disappointment on his face.

"Amelia, you need to decide, your birthday is in 3 days! Your going to be turning 20!" He said excitedly.

"I know but I might just ask Rosé what I should do" I let out a long sigh.

"Oh alright, let me know when you decide" he asked me and I nodded to him.

After talking about my birthday for 10 minutes with my oppa, I had finished eating.

I stood up, hugged my oppa. "Bye oppa, see you tonight" before heading out of the front door.

"Bye Amelia!" He shouted after you before you shut the door.

He turned back into the kitchen and started washing the dishes but a thought occupied his mind.

'I wonder when Eomma and Appa will tell her. They will probably tell her on her birthday'. He let out a long sigh and just focused on the dishes.

*At school*
*Jimin POV*
We reached the school and headed into the main entrance. We saw that everyone was heading to their 'lockers'. I think that's what they are called anyway and then heading to their classes by what they were carrying. I guess we still have a lot to learn about Earth and how the humans live and stuff.

"Okay guys, what do we do now? We don't even know what school is like" Jungkook pointed out.

Just then we got a glimpse of the Princess as she headed to her 'locker'.

"How about we ask the Princess?" Taehyungie asked us.

Me and Jungkookie nodded and we slowly made our way over to her.

Once we reached her Taehyungie cleared his throat which made her jump and she turned to face us.

When I caught a glimpse of her face up close, I could feel my cheeks becoming red and my heartbeat increasing.

She looked at Taehyungie and Jungkookie confused. She hadn't noticed me yet since I was slightly away from the three of them. I turned my head away and looked at the floor to calm myself.

"Hello, erm can I help you?" she smiled slightly.

Jungkook nodded to her "Hi, erm we are new students and we was wondering if you could show us where to get our timetables"

"Oh sure, follow me" we all nodded and followed her until she showed us to the room where we got the timetable.

She gave us our timetables and said to us "Oh you have the same lessons as me! Quick let's go before we're late!" She beamed.

And with that she showed us to the classroom and went towards her seat.

The teacher came in and told us to introduce ourselves "Hey. I'm Jungkook." He winked at all the girls making them squeal.

"Wassup! I'm Taehyung!" He grinned, showing off his box smile and doing his signature 'V' pose. Again making all the girls drool over him.

It was my turn and I was really nervous since everyone was watching us.

"Hi, I'm Jimin" I blushed slightly.

We all heard the girls screaming while the guys gave us death stares.

*Amelia POV*
'Oh so that's their names, I still recognise them from somewhere' I thought until it clicked in my head they are the guys who were staring at me yesterday in the coffee shop with 4 other boys.

"Okay so you three can sit at the three desks around Amelia's. Alright?" The teacher announced.

My eyes grew wide as all the girls started laughing.

"You three might not want to sit near her, you might get a disease or something" one of them said making everyone burst out laughing.

I lowered my head in embarrassment until Jungkook said "Well we are going to sit there anyway. Got a problem with it?" I could see the irritation in his face.

As soon as he said the the class fell silent. While glaring at everyone, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin made their way over to their desks. Each of them smiled at me as they sat down. I smiled back and just focused on the lesson.

I could feel all of the girls eyes pierced onto me but I was too happy to care.

No one in this school apart from Rosé sometimes had ever stuck up for me. I was so happy that I couldn't care less what the other girls think. A bit of me knew that Jihyo would find out and it would give her all the more reason to bully and hurt me.

Oh well these three boys are so kind. I hope I can be friends with them.

*??? Pov*
"Are you sure that she goes to this school?" I said, annoyed at them both for dragging me out of bed at 7:30am.

"Yes, I'm sure of it, I know my power isnt wrong" he replied.

"Well, when are we going to look for her?" I asked.

"In 3 days time, on her birthday..." he said, laughing evily.

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