Chapter Fifteen

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*Amelia POV*
J-Jimin?" I was flustered and embarrassed.

I saw how he looked angry until he harshly spoke out. "Come with me" he then slightly tightens his hold around my wrist and drags me outside, onto the balcony.

I was so worried...he looked so angry with me...

"Jimin please let go, your hurting me" I pleaded.

He ignored me and continued to drag me with him until we reached the balcony.

As soon as we got there he let go of my wrist, leaving me confused and flustered.

"J-Jimin? Are yo-"

He pulled me towards him, his hands resting on my waist as his beautiful brown orbs stared right into mine.

"Why was you with Jungkook?" He asked sternly.

"Well...h-he was asked to escort me into the b-ballroom by the queen" I replied, a little shocked at his sterness.

"I know that but why did he hold your hand and link arms with you" he asked, his face unchanging.

"I-I don't know. Are you angry with me?" I was so worried that he hated me.

He then sighed deeply "No I'm not angry with you, just forget about it".

He then let go of my waist and moved away from me slightly. He leaned forward onto the rail of the balcony, staring out to the kingdom in front of us.

An awkward atmosphere then rose, making me and him feel uneasy. I found myself staring up at the stars in the sky.

"They are so pretty" I smiled.

"Yeah she is..." He muttered.

"Pardon?" I tilted my head.

He then went bright red in the face and covered his face with his small hands. "N-nothing. Ignore what I just said".


Once again, an awkward silence rose making me feel uncomfortable. I then stared up at the sky again and saw a shooting star speed across the vast midnight blue sky.

"A shooting star!!" I yelled before I closed my eyes and making a wish.

I wish for me to continue having special moments with Jimin. He's so special to me.

Jimin stared at me in awe, watching my face scrunch up as I made my wish and crossed my fingers.

"Well...what was your wish?" He smiled.

"Umm..." I hesitated.

Should I tell him? Won't it ruin it if I tell him?

"It's a secret" I smirked.

"Aish! Tell me!" He pleaded while looking at me with puppy eyes.

"No! It will ruin it!" I giggled.

I then started to laugh as I saw him pout in frustration and sadness.


"Amelia...can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" I grinned.

He hesitated before he gently grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him slowly.

"Aren't you nervous? Because you will have to rule one day..." He gazed into my eyes again.

"Umm...I don't know really." I sighed before resting my hands on the rail of the balcony and looking out towards the kingdom. "I feel like I've done this all my life but at the same time...I'm worried since I will be on my own, guiding hundreds of people"

He turned me to face him and cupped my face with his tiny hands. "Your not on your have me" he smiled.

I blushed at his words, his voice was so much more gentler then earlier, his face was much more softer, his touch wasn't as harsh.

"T-thanks" I smiled widely with a scarlet red face.

We both continued to stare at each other, his hands still on my face, my hands made their way to his waist. His eyes drew me in completely. It felt like his eyes were observing every inch of my body.

I then saw his chocolate brown orbs travel to my lips. Him staring intensely at them.

I unconsciously bit my bottom lip causing him to become shy before averting his eyes away.

"D-don't bite your lip..." He was so flustered I found it adorable.

"W-what?" I unconsciously did it again.

His eyes made their way to my lips again just as I bit my bottom lip for the second time.

He then started to pull my face toward him, making me nervous and shy. I then felt his soft breathing against my face. Just like him, my gaze travelled to his lips. They looked so soft...Our faces were merely inches away before we both jumped.

"Jimin-ah!!!" Taehyung yelled for him.

We immediately separated, creating a huge gap between us both, avoiding each others eye contact. Both our faces were shades of pink and red.

"W-what is it?" He shouted back.

"The queen wants us to introduce Amelia to everyone" he yelled back to Jimin.

"Alright, we're coming!" Jimin replied before glancing at me "Your not coming?..."

"No i-its okay, I'll stay here a little longer" I avoided his gaze.

"But...alright, just make sure you come back in okay?" His eyes were full of concern.

"I will, now go on" I smiled at his cuteness and protective side.

He then left me on the balcony while I stared at his broad back as he walked away. I was still in a daze...

I can't believe I almost kissed him! Amelia what is wrong with you?!

I gently hit myself in the face a few times to brush the thought off but it stayed in my mind.

My fingers moved up to my lips, my fingertips grazing over them. The thought of his warm stare and hold on me made me melt.

"Aish!!! What is wrong with me?!" I yelled out loud.

While I stared out towards the kingdom again, it suddenly turned really cold and windy.

The sudden cold made goosebumps appear on my pale skin. I shivered as I hugged my arms for warmth.

"Let's just go back inside..." I whispered to myself.

I turned to walk back into the ballroom until a very harsh grip on my wrist held me back.

"Where do you think your going, Princess?" He smirked.

Almost immediately I recognised him from the beach, his cold stare and dark orbs, his brown hair all messed up.

"Your appa wants to see you beautiful. He was jealous after our little meeting at the beach that day" his grip on my wrist became even more harsh.

"Jim-" he instantly clasped his hand over my mouth, silencing me.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, I might just accidentally kill you and leave worse scars then those burn marks on your stomach" his voice was so dark and harsh.

Before I could do or say anything he flew up into the sky, taking me with him and took his hand away from my mouth.

"JIMIN!!" I screamed, the sound echoing throughout the sky.

I don't want to see my birth appa! I don't want anything to do with him!

Jimin help me, please...

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