Chapter Nine

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*Jimin POV*
After a while the Princess had stopped crying and we just sat opposite each other, in silence. The only thing that could be heard was the trees saying in the wind and the waves lapping up onto the shore.

I decided to break the silence...

"Amelia I need to tell you something" I said softly while looking in her eyes.

This is it, she needs to know...

"What is it?" She tilted her head to the side and I took a deep breath before telling her everything.

Her real parents, who she is, who me and the boys are, who them guys were, and what they were.

Once I finished, I let out a long sigh. I looked up at her and met her shocked and confused face.

"S-so that's the truth? Your not lying to me?" She asked me with confused eyes.

"Yes everything I said is true" I smiled at her.

"Wow, I-I... I can't believe it. How come I only just found out now?" She was now staring at me.

I gulped, my heart beating like crazy as she stared, the things she does to me, jeez I need to calm down...

"Y-you were supposed to find out on your 20th birthday but because them guys revealed their wings to you, I needed to tell you before you do something stupid" I smiled nervously.

" do I make my wings apparently and disappear then?" She raised her eyebrows at me, causing my face to turn red.

She seriously needs to stop teasing me like this.

I hesitantly grabbed her hands and made her stand up with me.

"Listen to me carefully..." My grip on her hands tightened slightly and she was now giving me her full attention."To make your wings appear, you have to imagine them on your back. Can you do that?"

I let go off her hands and took a few steps away.

And in an instant her wings appeared on her back. "Whoa...this is so crazy..." She said quietly, still shocked.

I grabbed her hands again and she turned to me, looking at my wings that I just made appear.

I smiled at her and she returned it. My heart stuttered against my ribs and I felt my face turning red again.

"A-are you ready to try flying?" I asked her and she nodded gripping onto my hands tightly.

"R-right, to start flying, imagine your wings lifting you from the ground and fluttering to take you higher, alright?"

She nodded again and shut her eyes tightly and ever so slightly we started lifting from the ground. She opened her eyes, looking around her before turning to me and smiling widely at me.

Gosh she makes me so flustered...

"Omg! Jimin look! We're not on the floor anymore!" She was now grinning at me.

As we gained altitude, I could see her looking around and to the right of us we could see the sunset.

The sky was a coral orange colour, with pastel pinks mixed in as well.

She looked at me surprised as my grip on her hands tightened. We stared at each other intensely.

I could see a slight, pink blush on her cheeks and that caused me to blush madly, making me break the eye contact. She looked down at our intertwined hands and her blushed turned to a bright red.

We suddenly started losing balance, probably because we were both distracted by staring at each other.

Her wings then disappeared and our hands disconnected as she immediately started plummeting through the sky back down to earth.

"Jimin!!" She yelled to me reaching her hand up towards me. I reacted almost instantly and immediately started flying down to her as fast as I could until I reached her.

My arms snaked around her waist and our faces were just inches apart.

We both became a blushing and flustered mess that we hadn't noticed that we were still plummeting through the sky.

Then it hit me, I was that flustered that my wings had disappeared on their own.

I hit the ground first and she fell on top of me . But that wasn't what shocked me.

Our lips were touching...

They were so soft I couldn't bring myself to pull away. She had just stolen my first kiss.

After a while it finally hit me that our lips were touching and I became a blushing mess. It took her a while to notices as well but as soon as she did, her eyes widened and she immediately got off me.

We were both blushing a scarlet red colour and we couldn't look at each other.

Holy sh*t! She just took my first kiss!

"S-sorry Jimin" she looked so embarrassed but she wasnt the only one...

"Did you two just kiss?!" Namjoon asked us.

I turned to see all 6 of the guys there with slight red faces, apart from Yoongi-hyung who was sleeping while standing up. I swear all he does is sleep....

"N-no we didn't!" Me and the Princess protested in unison.

"Yes you did! Jimin we need to have a chat!" Jin hyung said while slightly wiggling his eyebrows to tease me.

The Princess immediately started running away, not looking at me again.

"Yah! Amelia! Where are you going?!" Jungkook shouted to her.

*Amelia POV*
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Jimin had just taken my first kiss!!! It's going to be so awkward now!!!

I touched my cheek and felt it being really hot. Of course I'm blushing right now. Great. Wait doesn't that mean...

Oh dear god please help me...

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