Chapter Eight

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*Amelia POV*
Their faces were covered with an angry expression.

I was so frightened and shocked I was shaking badly. But I was even more frightened and shocked when two black things appeared on their backs and their eyes turned red.

It then hit me, these guys weren't human! They had black wings and they had formed fireballs in their hands.

I was so desperate to break free but it was useless, they were too strong.

"So now you've seen our true form, how about we introduce ourselves to you?" He smirked as he saw the fear in my eyes, he had started stroking my cheek before beginning.

"Well I'm Baehykun, and I'm part of the Demon Kings army, you know, your dad? Your real dad that is" now he was laughing evilly.

"Well, I'm Chanyeol, I'm also a part of your dad's Demon Army, it's nice to meet you, your majesty" he was also smirking while I was trembling.

What they fu*k do they mean, 'Majesty'?! I'm no fu*king 'Majesty'! The third guy started speaking...

"I'm Xiumin, and im the head of these two, glad I can finally meet you, demon/angel Princess" he was also laughing cruely at my terrified state.

"It seems she didn't know who she really is" Xiumin said and they all burst out laughing.

"Well we're going to have fun so don't worry, we won't hurt you too much" Baehykun said while touching my cheek still.

I flung my head away from his touch but immediately regretted doing so since their faces turned dark and Chanyeol had thrown a fire ball at me.

I immediately let out a scream and looked at my stomach which had a huge burn from my abdomen to my chest.

I was shaking so much and I was in so much pain that no tears threatened to fall.

While shaking from the shock of being burnt I felt something poking my back. I turned my head around to look at my back and saw nothing.

I turned back to face them and saw that theirs eyes were wide.

I gave them a questioning look and Xiumin pointed to my back. I turned back and saw...

A pair of wings?...

I let out another ear piercing scream.

*Meanwhile, Jimin POV*
I looked back up the beach, to see Rosé sunbathing on her own, with no sign of the Princess.

"Guys I'm just going to go speak to Rosé a second, alright?" I pointed to Amelias empty towel, next to Rosé. They all nodded and I headed up the beach to Rosé.

"Rosé? Where's the Prin-i mean, where's Amelia?" She looked up and met my eyes and pointed further down the beach, where it's less crowded.

"She said she wanted to go for a walk and she went that way"

"Alright, thank you". She smiled at me and I returned it.

Suddenly we heard a distant, ear piercing scream and my eyes widened.

I looked back at Rosé and saw her panicked expression. I gave her I questioning look.

"T-th-thats Amelia's scream"

My eyes widened even more and I immediately ran off. I was going as fast as my legs would take me while repeatedly thinking...

'Is the Princess alright?'


'Please let nothing happen to her'.

I was so afraid she would be hurt. I kept running and running until I came to an area where it's more open.

Frantically, I looked around to find her and then my eyes landed on three guys with Black wings on their backs. I froze in my place, I then spotted the Princess infront of them, pinned against a tree with white things stuck on her back. Then it dawned on me...

"SH*T!" I started running again and sped up as fast as I can when I saw her crying.

SH*T, SH*T, SH*T! She can't know yet! It's too early! This is bad!!!

*Amelia POV*
I was in so much pain, the burn on my stomach was hurting so bad. I was so disgusted with myself though. Two things were stuck on my back and they looked like the wings on the three guys back.

One was white and covered with fluffy feathers and the other one was black and had no feathers.

Someone help me, I'm so confused, I feel so dizzy, it's all too much for me.

My head started to hurt as a vision of a man showed up in my mind, I tightly shut my eyes, tears flowing and I was grabbing onto my head.

Without realising, I had passed out...

*In the Vision*
This vision was different from the others I've had. I was in this one. I was tied to a wooden chair and was struggling to get out of the ropes.

I suddenly heard a sinister laugh and a deep voice started to talk....

"Hello there my daughter. Did you miss me? Did you come just see Daddy? Well now you've got your wings and your power and that means you can help me rule the world!" I heard clapping.

Frantically I was looking around but couldn't see anyone because there was only light shining on me and everywhere else was pitch black.

In the corner of my eye I saw a figure coming into the light. It was a large man with jet black wings and he was wearing clothing that looked like what a King would wear.

"Hello, darling, I missed you, did you miss me?"

He was slowly approaching me and I froze in my place, frightened.

"I think you should help me darling. Why don't you give me your powers and I'll cut off those wings for you, so you can live a normal life. How does that sound, Amelia?" He was smirking at me.

My eyes widened and tears began falling out.

T-this man is my Father? My real one? The Demon King?...

"Aw darling don't cry. I promise it won't hurt. Can someone bring me a knife please?" He asked.

10 seconds after he said that a man in black gave him a machete. My eyes widened so much I thought they would pop out of their sockets. My tears were flowing even more now.

"Shall we begin darling? I promise it won't hurt" he started laughing cruely....

*End of Vision, Jimin POV*
I had reached the Princess to find her on the ground, passed out.

"WHAT THE FU*K DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I screamed in their faces, my blood was boiling. I began fighting them and easily won them within five minutes. They were so weak.

I quickly went to the Princess' side and saw her trembling and crying while she was passed out.

"NOOOOO! Stop it! Leave me alone!" She suddenly shouted, startling me.

I sat her up and hugged her tightly. I felt her wake up in my arms.

"J-Jimin?" Her voice was trembling.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here now." I said gently.

After saying that, she immediately burst out crying. My shoulder was becoming soaked from her tears while I silently hugged her tightly and comforted her.

I let out a long sigh. I'm going to have to tell her since she's seen her wings.

She must have experienced their power aswell since she has a huge burn on her stomach. I wonder what her power is.

I hope she doesn't freak out once I tell her...

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